Wednesday, February 7, 2018

How low will we go?

A newly released Quinnipiac poll finds that 72% of Republicans surveyed consider President Donald Trump a “good” role model.

Apparently they have no problem with their children growing up to emulate someone who is a bully, who instead of intellectually interacting with those who disagree with him, takes great delight in demeaning them with childish name calling, berating them as ”losers,”  and deriding their family members.

These folks don’t care if their children grow up to model someone who thrives on using "hyperbole" and "exaggeration" to earn the respect of his peers, lacks a moral compass and has a history of adultery and objectification when interacting with women.  Additionally, someone who is hard to work with because he is impulsive, narcissistic, takes ill-advised risks, downplays his mistakes, can’t accept criticism, feels entitled to special treatment, has no regrets, overestimates his capabilities, and  egotistically considers himself the best at everything.

I truly don’t believe that deep down inside most Republicans consider our President a “good” role model.  I give them more credit than that.  Instead they are simply trying to somehow justify President Trump’s boorish behaviors as he implements their desired agenda.

He’s basically accomplishing a great deal of that agenda, and as long as he continues on that path, it simply doesn’t matter to those Republicans surveyed that they have to continue to “lower the bar” on their own moral and social values.  After all, the only alternative to their present dilemma was a Democrat or a Socialist; to them both totally repulsive, unacceptable choices.

President Trump is our President and we all must accept the total package.  However, the question remains as to how much more will the bar be lowered during the next three years?
Donald Trump might be successful as President, but no way will he ever be a “good” role model.