Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Louisiana's term limit law is of little benefit to voters

Senator John Alario was honored last week for his 48 years of service in the Louisiana legislature.  On the one hand his accomplishments are many, but on the other hand he epitomizes why Louisiana continually ranks last or near last in so many national polls.  Can you imagine how many times someone with that many years in our legislature has had to make deals with lobbyists and special interest groups such as LABI (Louisiana Association of Business and Industry) in order to insure he maintains the financial backing necessary to keep getting re-elected?

Presently there is no such thing as strict, terminal term limits in our state legislature, only pseudo term limits.   One is simply limited to two consecutive 4 year terms of service in a particular house, but can immediately run for election to the opposite house.   This can result in the same individuals perpetually jumping back and forth between the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Hence we have individuals like our state legislator, with 48 years of service, who can not run for Senate re-election due to our present term limit law, but  is considering running for a seat in the state House of Representatives.
Some will argue that this flip flop system is good because it insures that we will always have experienced individuals in charge of passing legislation that will be beneficial to their constituents.  Sadly, in reality it is the well- financed special interest groups and lobbyist that are the primary beneficiaries of such a system and not necessarily the Louisiana voters who they are supposed to represent.  Any bill or legislation presented and voted upon by legislators under our present system of pseudo  term limits is always framed in terms of how it best serves those with the financial backing that the legislators need for their re-election. 

While our present esteem legislators will deny such accusations, we only need to look at their voting records surrounding the nursing home industry, gas, petroleum and chemical industry, and casino industry to see who has the most influence over our legislators in this state.  In fact, regarding the nursing home industry, many of our legislators have blatant conflicts of interest for they either own or are heavily invested in such entities. 

We also have ourselves to blame for the perpetual recycling of the same legislators because many times voters keep re-electing these individuals simply because of name recognition.  Additionally, some don’t even have to participate in the voting process at all, for they run unopposed due to financial limitations on the part of potential opponents.  An elimination of both of these shortcomings could be a beneficial side effect if true term limits were implemented in our state. The Governor of this state can’t serve for more than two consecutive 4 year terms so why should we permit legislators to serve due to a term limit loophole? 

The  term limit law for our legislators needs to be revised and clearly defined as two consecutive terms in either house of government and then you’re done for at least two years.   You could serve two consecutive terms (8 years total) in the House of Representatives or two terms in the Senate and you could not run for the other after your term expires.   Simply put, you would  be out of the state legislature for a minimum of two years and you would need to find another job!