Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Facts About Sales Tax Increases in Louisiana

I have to pause and laugh when I see the recent political ads concerning the upcoming governor’s election.  While it is not my intent to make any formal endorsement of any candidate, it is necessary to clarify some misinformation in the ads.  All revenue generating bills for our state, as clearly delineated in the State Constitution, must originate in the state’s House of Representatives.

The governor of our state can wish for and propose any revenue seeking desires he or she wants, but has no power to directly implement such revenue generating measures.   It is up to the House of Representatives to propose the revenue generating bill, vote on it, and if passing it, send it to the state Senate for their approval by vote.  If both legislative houses pass the revenue bill, it then goes to the governor for his/her signature into law or a veto.

So while the latest political ads regarding the governor’s race talk about our present governor raising taxes, technically it was the Republican controlled House of Representatives that formulated the proposed sales tax increase bill and approved it, along with the Republican Senate.  Both had to approve the sales tax increases in Louisiana for them to be implemented.  To infer that the present governor of our state single handily raised taxes is an outright distortion of the facts of how revenue generating actions take place in our state.

On another matter, it’s too bad that we don’t hold elections every year, for that is apparently the only time that some of our legislative leaders really try to do their job to help their constituents.

Case in point is the State Insurance Commissioner, Jim Donelon.  Our state has one of the highest automobile insurance rates in the nation and has an absurd hurricane deduction on most homeowners policies written in Louisiana.  Almost all homeowners policies contain a 2 to 5 percent deductible of the total value of the home before any damages are covered in the event of hurricane damage.  For example, if your home is valued at $250,000 by your insurance company, and you have a 3% hurricane damage deductible, the insurance company will not pay for any hurricane damage your home sustains until it exceeds $7,500.  A 5% deductible would increase that out of pocket cost to $12,500.

Our present insurance commissioner has recently risen to the occasion on this issue and issued a “cease and desist” order to State Farm over its practices of hurricane deductibles regarding the recent storm Barry.  However, this entire deductible scam by all the homeowners insurance  companies needed to be dealt with long before Barry, but I guess now that Donelon has a credible challenger to his job he decided to get some press P.R. showing he’s looking out for the consumer.

And let’s not even discuss how on Donelon’s watch auto insurance companies are allowed to get a 10% increases in their rates automatically each year without approval and review by the state insurance commission.  However, I will give our present insurance commissioner one accolade, at least he hasn’t gone to jail like our previous ones.

Each of us now has a great opportunity to change things in our state by going to the polls and voting for individuals that will truly represent us.  Sadly, incumbents have one big advantage, name recognition.  Please do not fall for that trap.  Vote for someone who you think will truly represent you.  Give some of the unknowns a chance based on their qualifications.

Some of our present reps, all the way up to our lieutenant governor, have had questionable ethical improprieties that have been noted in the media.  It’s time to throw them out.  The power is in your hands by voting to change the status quo in our state.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Hollow Words

The level of gullibility of the American voters assumed by President Trump never ceases to amaze me. While we are all astutely aware of his penchant for bending the truth in many of the statements made in his daily tweets, his reactive comments made about societal tragedies, which are becoming more and more rampant in our society, are without doubt the most blatant examples of his untruthfulness.

After this week’s tragedies at El Paso and Dayton, both of which are being labeled as a form of “domestic terrorism,” President Trump stated, “The first lady and I join all Americans in praying and grieving for the victims, their families and the survivors. We will stand by their side forever; we will never forget. These barbaric slaughters are an assault upon our communities, an attack upon our nation, and a crime against all of humanity.”  He also vowed to give federal law enforcement "whatever they need" to fight domestic terrorism.  These comments come as the threat of right-wing extremism continues to grow.  The Center for Strategic and International Studies found that attacks by far-right perpetrators more than quadrupled between 2016 and 2017.

However, while the president was pledging to counter this problem, the federal government under his watch has actually cut the resources needed to tackle this issue.  A division of the Department of Homeland Security is charged with handling the prevention of domestic terrorism.  Two years ago this division was comprised of 16 full time employees and 25 contractors with an operating budget of approximately $21 million.  Today there are no contractors, eight full-time employees, and an operating budget of $2.6 million.  Basically now all that exists is, “some very dedicated government employees still at the office dealing with terrorism prevention and just trying to keep the lights on.”

The other fact that our President failed to relay to the American public is the reluctance of the FBI to pick up the slack left by the defunding of this DHS division. This is because as Dave Gomez, a former FBI supervisor who oversaw terrorism cases noted, "There's some reluctance among agents to bring forth an investigation that targets what the president perceives as his base.  It's a no-win situation for the FBI agent or supervisor.”

Further hindering Trump’s promise to fight and prevent domestic terrorism is the Trump administration’s desire to focus specifically on Islamic extremism versus all violent ideologies, coupled with the DHS systematically shifting resources away from programs aimed at combatting far-right and white supremacist groups. In fact, according to data from the Brennan Center for Justice, of New York University School of Law, at least 85% of "Countering Violent Extremism" monies are expended overtly on target minority groups, including Muslims, LGBTQ Americans, Black Lives Matter Activists, immigrants, and refugees.

So while our president talks about rooting out and ending all domestic terrorist atrocities within our country, he is really only interested  in vigilantly monitoring his bias-defined list of groups and continues to allow right wing extremist such as “white supremacy/nationalists” to fly under the radar.

Just how dumb does President Donald Trump think we are?  It’s time for the President to step up, stop worry about his support base and truly target all domestic terrorists in our society.