Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Legislators, like sheep, heed the insurance industry

In 2020, Louisiana politicians passed a bill which they touted as a major win for automobile drivers in our state, a promise of lower insurance rates.  Our Republican legislators duped the public into believing that our high auto insurance rates were due to the ridiculously high number of lawsuits filed against insurance companies by the overabundance of accident attorneys in our state.  In response, our esteemed legislators passed a bill that would limit damage suits by people injured in car wrecks. They claimed the bill would make the state’s auto insurance market more competitive and induce auto insurers to pass their cost savings from the bill to consumers.

Surprisingly, Democrats, such as Sen. Jay Luneau, from Alexandria, argued that the real reason for high insurance rates was not because of the numerous lawsuits, but instead due to the fact that insurance companies are allowed to set their rates based upon demographics such as a driver’s gender, age, marital status, or credit score.  He filed bills aimed to prohibit that practice, but they all died in committees.

Democrats in our legislature also raised concerns about the bill because there were no guarantees that insurance companies would actually lower their rates.  They wanted to include a mandate ordering auto insurance companies to lower the rates by 10% to 20%.  The insurance company lobbyists and the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry would have none of that mandate, and so it failed to be included.  Besides, Stephen Waguespack, head of LABI, touted the original bill as the “most important bill of the Legislative session,” so how could our legislators refuse to pass it as originally proposed?  So goes LABI, so goes our legislators.

Additionally, Jim Donelon, our state Insurance Commissioner, who was up for re-election, gave the bill his blessing with promises at the time that it would reduce rates by at least 10% and possibly 25%.

Friday, State Farm, the state’s largest auto insurer, got approval from Donelon and his cronies to raise rates by 4.3% after coming off a banner year of profits due to the limited driving that occurred during the COVID 19 pandemic. Be assured, the other auto insurance companies will follow their lead.

Where are all our legislators now regarding their support of this deception which once again has impacted the wallets of their constituents?  Not a peep from one of the supporters of the bill.  And tragically voters keep re-electing these same folks to Baton Rouge, including the insurance commissioner, and never hold them accountable.  So as you write that increased check for your auto insurance remember who is really to blame, no one but you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

LABI, Louisiana "Good Ole Boys"

 Anyone familiar with Louisiana politics is aware of the fact that the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry has successfully corralled most of the male legislators in Baton Rouge, and can count on them to push LABI’s agenda when proposing and passing various legislative bills.   It’s no secret, that so goes LABI, so goes the legislature.

I guess that it came as no surprise that LABI decided to expand its legislative grip by bringing our female legislators into their fold.  On Tuesday, LABI had planned an event that was reminiscent of something one might expect 30 years ago, by offering a day of “female fellowship over breakfast and beauty.”

Not only did the planned event include coffee, and a smoothie bar packed with fresh vegetables and fruit, but also makeup stations where the ladies could get their makeup and hair done.  Obviously, as most male legislators know, and in particular our esteemed Attorney General, Jeff Landry, know, it is of paramount importance for our female state employees to look beautiful at all times, particularly our legislators

I will not even address the ethical red flags such an event raises, but the mind set of planning this one shows what LABI actually assumes is important to our female legislators.  Obviously, LABI is completely dismissive of the fact that they are presently deeply involved with a legislative committee investigating sexual assault atrocities at LSU. 

Sadly, I don’t recall any condemning statements LABI has made regarding this LSU situation.  And, by the way, the CEO of LABI, Mr. Waguespack, is certainly at no loss for words when it comes to commenting on other non-business related circumstances in our state, including LSU football games.

Guess all of us just need to face the reality that women in Louisiana are still thought of as second class citizens, who continue to make less wages than men in identical job positions, and, according to LABI and others, just need to cook the meals, clean the house, do the laundry, raise the kids, and, by all means, look pretty.

On a positive note, the event was cancelled due to a lack of interest, and condemnation by our female legislative representatives.  Kudos to them.  Maybe some of our male legislators can learn a thing or two from them.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

No one is more important than LSU football


I always knew there were two football entities that you don’t mess with in Louisiana, Drew Brees and the LSU Tigers.  However, the two are very divergent in deserving one’s allegiance.  Brees’ accomplishments both on the field and off which include many humanitarian endeavors for the city of New Orleans speak volumes.  And while many of the LSU Tigers individual players deserve respect, those charged with providing their mentorship are a total disaster.


In previous commentaries I tried to point out the dangerous obsessiveness LSU demonstrates as it relates to football.  Everything was fine at LSU, in the eyes of its revelers, as long as the Tigers could win the big one coupled with trouncing Alabama even as the academic climate of LSU continued to be decimated by legislative fiscal cuts.


However, in my wildest imagination I never perceived that LSU football would trump the moral protection of its young female student body.  The scandal surrounding Les Miles and the ensuing cover ups which continue today as evidenced by the refusal of any of the higher ups to appear before a state legislative investigative committee are mind blowing.


It’s also mind blowing that other institutions, not directly connected with any of this mess, severed all connections with those involved in it, namely the firing of Les Miles at Kansas and F. King Alexander at Oregon.  These institutions simply didn’t want those type of individuals anywhere near their student bodies.


On the other hand, LSU seems to have no problems with the way sexual assault cases were mishandled by its staff which were directly involved, for it has terminated no one.

It is apparent that despite what LSU claims about the ‘new culture’ that now exits at its campus, its present stonewalling actions suggest otherwise.  In the long run, LSU will just continue to hide behind legal maneuverings biding its time until this just all fades away and once again we can get down to what really matters, LSU winning the big one coupled with trouncing Alabama even at the expense of their female student body.