Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Who is really helping Louisiana?

It always amazes me how politicians just blatantly lie when it comes to re-election time, and don't even 'blink an eye' while doing it.  Steve Scalise, John Kennedy, and Garret Graves in their most recent TV ads are bragging about all the money they brought to Louisiana for infrastructure repairs.  In reality, all but one of the Louisiana Republican congressional legislators voted against the Biden administration's Infrastructure and Jobs Act which provided these funds.   

It was in fact Louisiana Rep Bill Cassidy that helped broker the bill, which has provided over $7.2 billion in Louisiana infrastructure funding, but he has been officially censured by the local Louisiana Republican Party for voting to impeach Donald Trump. And Scalise, Kennedy, and Graves went along with that proclamation. 

And as far as their legislative records are concerned, over the last two years Scalise's, Kennedy's and Grave's legislative agenda has been one of obstructionist by vetoing every piece of legislation proposed by the present administration whether beneficial to our country or Louisiana.

So, who is really helping Louisiana?  None of these guys, because all "Voted No and Took the Dough."   Pathetic.

Friday, October 7, 2022

A Will Sutton Apology is Due

Will Sutton's recent editorial in The Advocate was an insult to all female African Americans and he should formally apologize for writing it. In his diatribe he admits that Mayor Cantrell, and the other two examples he cites, aren't doing a particularly good job as mayors. However, he infers that it is important to keep them in their present jobs because they are Black females.  What an insult to the competent, strong female African  Americans who perform competently in their jobs.  In reality, Sutton is reinforcing the racist, stereotypical belief that female African Americans cannot be competent and that people should just tolerate that short coming.  Just how much more demeaning can an African American male be regarding his view of the women in his culture?  Maybe it's time for Sutton to self-evaluate how he inwardly really views female African Americans in our society.  We don't need to cut them any slack, for they can meet any standard set on their own.