Monday, November 13, 2023

The Self-Destruct Mode of the U.S.

A recent poll conducted by the University of Virginia Center for Politics shows what many consider is the greatest single threat to our great nation.  And no, it’s not China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea, but the United States, itself; decay from within. The poll indicated that 52 percent of supporters of President Joe Biden say Republicans are now a threat to the American life, and 47 percent of former President Donald Trump supporters claim the same about Democrats.

Even more alarming was the finding that of those supporting Biden, 41 percent now condone violence as the way "to stop Republicans from achieving their goals." And almost identical percentages, 38 percent of Trump supporters, believe the use of violence is acceptable to stop Democrats.

Perhaps we should now assume that the January 6th melee was not simply a onetime, isolated event, but instead an overt example of these feelings playing out in real time; a barometer of our future.

And if we as a nation don’t come to grips soon, our adversaries will get to see their game plan come to fruition.  Russia and China use social media to bombard us with disinformation in hopes of fueling division among us which will lead to societal destruction within the U.S.  They don’t need armies to defeat us if they can foster self-destruction by pitting us against each other. 

I always thought that such an approach was ridiculous and totally unattainable, for as we so proudly state in our Pledge of Allegiance, we are “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”.

But as a society we are becoming more and more divisive and obsessed with our own life’s style agenda as the only acceptable one.  Do it my way or I will do whatever is necessary to make you conform.  The abhorrent behavior of the present U.S. Congress serves as a prime example of the success of the alienation plan, as do both the present Democratic President and the leading Republican contender for the presidency.

When will it stop? When we as a society realize the value of human life, stop the idolization of material things, and put in the effort to function responsibly as a member of society.

We as a country have two choices.  We can continue on our present course of closed mindedness, intolerance, and violence, or we can actively work to achieve some middle ground approach to be more pliant and tolerant of others.

However, to save our society requires a desire to change and perhaps now, we as a nation, are beyond the point of no return. You decide!