Tuesday, March 19, 2024

U.S. Is Losing its Morals


As our daily media headlines continue to bombard us with stories about the our border crisis, sexual assaults by Catholic priests, mob-style  slash-and- grabs, car-jackings, shootings, and murders, one has to wonder what has become of the morals in our society.  One of today’s headline stories even further defines America’s moral dilemma.   Dollar General announced that they will begin removing all self-checkout devices from their stores, due to item theft.  Walmart and Target also announce they will now limit the number of items you can check out in their self-checkout lines.

And to top things off we have two men running for president that have serious ethical and moral deficiencies.  In fact, one is presently defending himself from 91 charges in four criminal cases.  However, no one seems to really care anymore when one’s moral character is suspect.

I think my friend best summed up the present day moral sentiment in our country when I questioned him about the moral insufficiencies of these two candidates and he replied, “Well no one is perfect, and to find someone morally fit is not possible today, and should not be expected.”  Please pause and think about what he said.  Do you also buy into this belief?

If so, I wonder if we even internalize what we hear every time we attend church or synagogue.  And while we may simply wish to ignore what we as a society are willing to morally tolerate, one best review the long term plans of two of our top adversaries, namely, Russia and China.

Neither of these adversary’s plans involve going to war with the U.S. for world dominance. Their plan is simply to foster self- destruction of our society from within. Pit us against each other by destroying our moral fiber.  And if you think this is some sort of looney belief on my part, you need only to review the recent report released by our intelligent agencies about all the disinformation that is being disseminated by both these countries on social media to foster not only divisiveness, but to influence our elections. They are striking at the very core of our democracy.

Just look at how successful these two countries have been with their plans in creating a climate of ineffectiveness due to polarization and divisiveness at our Congressional House and Senate levels, and at the many state legislative branches.  Presently, these entities spend most of their time in power struggles rather than focusing on improving the quality of life in our society.  Many simply have sunk so low as to resort to name calling and personal attacks like preschoolers on a school yard.  And, we condone and reinforce this by our cheers and laughter when the folks running for the highest office in the land do it.   

Our political leaders no longer intellectually debate each other on issues important to us. They just personally demean each other.  But then again, maybe they lack the intellect to do otherwise.  However, whatever the reason all are contributing to implementing the perfect Russia/China plan.

Just how low will we morally and ethically go before we come to the realization that Russia and China are succeeding, and we decide to stop it?   It’s time to take your head out of the sand and notice what‘s going on.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

What is LSU's Legacy?

As LSU continues to bask in the media surrounding its football team’s, men’s and women's baseball teams’, women’s gymnastics team’s and now the women's basketball team's elite successes, one ranking that is sorely missing from all this excitement is LSU’s academic successes.

According to the LSU website its mission and vision statement reads as follows:

As the Flagship institution of the state, the vision of LSU is to be a leading research-extensive university, challenging undergraduate and graduate students to achieve the highest levels of intellectual and personal development. Designated as a Land, Sea and Space Grant institution, the mission of LSU is the generation, preservation, dissemination and application of knowledge and cultivation of the arts.

In implementing its mission, LSU is committed to:

  • Offering a broad array of undergraduate degree programs and extensive graduate research opportunities designed to attract and educate highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students;
  • Employing faculty who are excellent teacher-scholars, nationally competitive in research and creative activities and who contribute to a world-class knowledge base that is transferable to educational, professional, cultural and economic enterprises; and
  • Using its extensive resources to solve economic, environmental and social challenges.”

Sadly, when it comes to addressing its academic mission LSU seems to be unable to repeat it sports’ successes. In the 2024 college and university rankings published by U.S. News and World Report, LSU ranks 185 in national universities, which is a 32 point drop since 2021 where it scored 153, and a 9 point drop over last year’s ranking.  Understandably, the media glossed over this stat, reported it in the back pages of the local papers, and never did any in-depth follow up investigative reporting as to why this continual drop is occurring.

Why would you expect any different coverage since LSU is promoted as the “Flagship institution” of the state?

However, I bet if this year’s women's basketball team had suddenly started losing games, that would have been front page news, and all the sports writers would have done in-depth stories as to what was going on.

So as our new governor embarks on focusing his energy and monies on the hot topic of combating crime in our state, just maybe he ought to put as much excitement and resources into combating the educational problem in our state which has now even reached the doorsteps of the state’s premier university. But as of now, he seems to have decided to grant raises to state agency heads as yet another priority.

It’s time for LSU and the governor to decide not only what's the Flagship institution’s legacy is to be, but the state's as a whole regarding educating its youth.