Friday, September 20, 2013

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal should receive a final grade of ‘F’

I hope the latest data released will put all the Jindal defenders to rest forever.  The newest Census data indicates that about one in every five residents in our great state lives in poverty.  A rate that has NOT changed significantly since 2000.   Under Jindal, the number of residents living in poverty is the third highest in the nation, and 28% of these poverty victims are children.

Bobby’s supporters continually tout his educational reforms, his favorable tax incentives for attracting new businesses, and his privatization of the health care system as evidence of his success as a governor.  Jindal hopes that these actions will serve as the legacy for which he is remember in the history of Louisiana.

However, the bottom line for judging the success or failure of any governing body is how its implemented policies have impacted the quality of life of the citizens it serves. 

Let the facts speak for themselves.  After all the propaganda dust settles, the reality is Governor Bobby Jindal and his administration have done little or nothing to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Louisiana, and that will be his legacy.  He earns an ‘F’ for his term in office.

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