Friday, November 22, 2013

Louisiana needs to stick with Common Core

I can’t believe the continued ruckus about the Common Core Standards.  The concept for Common Core State Standards originated from state governors of BOTH parties.  They were developed by a collaboration of teachers, school administrators, and educational experts, to provide a clear and consistent framework to prepare our children for college and the workforce.
The standards were formulating using the highest, most effective models from STATES across our country and countries around the world, and provide teachers and parents with a common understanding of what students are expected to learn.  Consistent standards will provide appropriate benchmarks for all students, regardless of where they live.
The Common Core Standards are benchmarks, NOT a curriculum. They simply state what students should be able do after teachers finish teaching them. How you get to that goal is still the job of each state.  No one at the federal level is telling anyone how to teach, or requiring teachers to use a specific curriculum or learning materials.

Contrary to the misinformation being published, feedback from parents across the nation was collected during the development process. 

However, now all of a sudden we have ‘experts’, including school boards,  from all over Louisiana telling everyone that the  standards are all wrong and are somehow a plot by the federal government to control our children’s mind in  a George Orwell type of way.

Just for the record, if you were developing educational standards,  would you believe any ‘expert’ from a state that ranks in the BOTTOM five in every educational measure known to man?  If Louisiana did provide feedback on the Common Core, I certainly wouldn’t put too much faith in what they suggested.

For decades Louisiana has been depriving its young people of an excellent education, and now all of a sudden we know what’s best for our students.  Just when did this sudden burst of enlightenment occur?

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