Thursday, May 22, 2014

McCarthyism is Alive and Well in the Governor’s Office

Bobby Jindal came out swinging Wednesday with his strongest reason yet for ditching the Common Core Standards.  According to Bobby, they smack of Communism, with his latest linking of the Common Core to centralized planning in Russia.  So following through with Bobby’s Rhodes Scholar logic, one can only assume that if you support the Common Core Standards, Governor Jindal claims that you are adopting Russian government strategies, and, if that's so, it would logically follow that you’re now a COMMUNIST SYMPATHIZER.

Gee, I thought we put McCarthyism to rest years ago.

 According to The Herblock Book (1952), McCarthyism is, “the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence.  During the McCarthy era, thousands of Americans were accused of being communists or communist sympathizers and became the subject of aggressive investigations and questioning before government or private-industry panels, committees and agencies. The primary targets of such suspicions were government employees, those in the entertainment industry, union activists, and EDUCATORS (my caps).”

Don’t’ you find it interesting how Jindal has now linked the Common Core Standards, educators, and Communism together?   And we, as loyal U.S. citizens, sure don’t want any of that Communism stuff in this Bayou State. 
The late U.S. Senator, Joseph McCarthy, would have been so proud!

The tragedy of this latest verbal tantrum by Bobby is that, since his administration has so severely cut funding for mental health services, it will most likely take months before he can get psychiatric help.

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