Friday, December 5, 2014

Jindal shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds him


These days Bobby Jindal spends most of his taxpayers’ paid working hours serving himself rather than Louisiana residents.  He crisscrosses our nation advocating the tea party chant about government waste and the need to reign in all, what he and his political friends term, the liberal left handout programs that have ballooned over the years.

What Jindal conveniently side steps is that his own state budget ranks the SECOND highest in the nation in its dependence on these federal funds.   Approximately 44% of the state budget is composed of federal  dollars.

According to the Wallet Hub, Louisiana is one big American freeloader, ranking 48th (1= least dependent) in its dependency on federal monies.  Wallet Hub also reports that this pattern of freeloading is greater nationwide among Republican controlled  states vs Democrat controlled states.

However, our Republican governed state also has the distinction of being one of the states with the largest deficits in terms of what they get in federal help versus what they give back in tax dollars (Approximately $3 for every $1 in federal taxes paid).  So while Jindal continually touts the conservative banter about how U.S. citizens are over taxed by the Feds for federal hand out programs, this certainly isn’t true economically in his own state.

The interesting part of this seemingly hypocritical behavior of Bobby is his professed positon on cutting federal support dollars will most likely become a reality with the recent shift in the political climate thanks primarily to the Koch brothers.  However, this will completely devastate the state, due to Jindal’s budgetary practices which continue to substantially rely on federal hand out dollars. 

Looks like our esteemed governor has set up Louisiana for failure by not practicing what he preaches, but then again he has greater aspirations and could care less about the future of our state.  We all need to feel sorry for the next governor of Louisiana.

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