Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The ship has sailed for the education community in this state

Louisiana was just given a D+  by Education Week for its public education academic achievement based upon a rank of 44th in the nation and our kids performing 50th in fourth grade math proficiency, and 48th in reading.  Eight graders are 49th in math proficiency and 48th in reading.   Additionally, the state received a C- for chances for success, and a C for its education spending and practices. 
The report was made public just BEFORE our Rhodes Scholar governor proposed cutting public education in this state by another $370 million next year.   Louisiana is already the leader nationally in cuts to education over the past 5 years, so how much more blood does Jindal think he can bleed from this turnip?
I guess now we’ll have to lower that C in educational spending.
Of course some of the blame for this latest proposal of more draconian cuts to education rests with ALL the residents that voted in favor of Amendments #1 and #2 in our last election.  Thanks to these voters there simply aren’t any other entities left unprotected from cuts by constitutional amendments.
Not to worry though, because all those entities that have lobbied for budgetary constitutional protection over the years, and all the business incentive giveaways will soon have their day of reckoning,  for there simply isn’t enough money left to strip from education any more unless Jindal decides to closed down some colleges and universities. 

So it looks like all the legislators will finally have to man-up if they want to follow Jindal’s no new taxes mantra and cut some of the sacred cows which for years they have protected.
However,  sadly it’s already too late for the universities and colleges in this state, for once the money is taken away, the chances of it ever being restored are nil and none.


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