Sunday, April 26, 2015

Women are not second class citizens

The Louisiana Republican gentlemen’s club has spoken-women are not equal to men in job worthiness.  Republicans on the House Labor Panel recently killed both bills aimed at providing equal pay to men and women with similar skills, performing similar jobs.

All nine Republicans on the committee voted against the measures.  I wonder if they’re man enough to tell their spouses about their discriminatory vote which perpetuates Louisiana’s  male/female pay gap rank as dead last nationally, another star ranking Louisiana can be proud of.

Doesn’t matter who you are, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Socialist, African-American, Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic, Latino, Native American, or Hawaiian, as long as you’re female you will make only 66 cents for every dollar earned by a male in the same job in this state.

For the past several years, the national Republican Party has worked very hard trying to shed its previous image as a party of ‘old white men’ to one that embraces all members of our society equally.
However, it looks as though Louisiana Republican males still haven’t gotten that message.  Many on the committee responded to criticism of their action by stating that such bills weren’t necessary because there are already laws on the books forbidding discrimination.   Yet they were still unwilling to legally solidify this when it comes to equal pay.

While Louisiana Republican males actively pursue the support of conservative women for their issues on “right to life”, “traditional marriage”, and “religious freedom”, sadly, deep down inside, beyond the superficial rhetoric, many continue to perceive all women as second class citizens regarding equal pay.  This is something all women need to carefully consider when they go to the polls at election time.

Once again it’s a sad day for the women of Louisiana.

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