Saturday, June 13, 2015

Warning to higher ed - Don’t’ count your chickens before they hatch

Thursday, Senate President, John Alario and his Senate minions were able to once again strong arm the House members into accepting the new state fiscal budget the way Jindal wanted it. I guess ALL the state college and university leaders are celebrating because their groveling paid off resulting in no additional funding cuts. 

However, before they put on their party hats they best look at the new budget and note all the “phantom money” it is packed with.  “Phantom money” is funding that one hopes will materialize based upon fiscal projections-sale tax revenues, sale of state owned property, tax amnesty programs, oil and gas severance tax revenues, etc. 

If past history is any indication, these funds will fall short once again as they have in all but one of the previous SEVEN budgets passed by our legislators.  Basically, with Bobby Jindal’s approval, his staff has repeatedly intentionally overestimated these revenue sources in order to produce a balanced budget, on paper, as required by law.

It doesn’t require higher education to realize that the present budget will most likely, once again, run short of funds mid-year resulting in cuts to higher ed and health care to stem the shortage.  Let’s remember that the present year’s budget was short over $400 million, necessitating two state-wide cuts during the year. 

However, the good news for our legislators is that this short fall will occur AFTER elections have taken place and they are ALL fully aware of this fact.  Therefore, they can all brag during their reelection campaigns that they protected higher ed from further funding cuts in the latest state budget, ignoring the fact that during their previous seven years of service they voted to cut higher ed over $800 million coupled with draconian cuts to health care services.

And sadly, the voters of this state will fall for this P.R. and re-elect them, as they have done repeatedly with legislators like Senate President,  Alario who has served at the Capital for 43 years.
Most of our 144 legislators are up for reelection in six months.  I urge all voters to become informed and look at the voting record of your representative at the state capital.  You just might be shocked!

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