As Jindal continues his delusional national quest to earn a
spot as a presidential candidate it is important for voters to give him the
recognition he deserves as a member of an exclusive GOP candidates club. He
is a proud member of what some refer to as the “Most Hated Governors
Club.” Other honorary members include Scott Walker, and Chris
Christie. Polls show all are rejected by their state residents.
Recent polls also show that Bobby is so despised by Louisianans that if the
election were held today, and Hillary Clinton was the opposition, she would
carry deep red Louisiana. Bobby Jindal couldn’t ever deliver his
home state for the Republicans. Of course Bobby ‘s excuse for this
catastrophic reality is that he had to make some unpopular decisions when he
cut the fat at the state level reducing the state budget by over 26%, as he
recently bragged on national news.
However, Bobby must be in need of some Common Core math
because according to the Cato Institute which just published a report on state
governors’ fiscal spending habits, that 26% number is substantially
exaggerated. Most of the money that Bobby claims as evidence of his
reduction in the size of our state budget came from the drying up of Katrina
federal funds which had little to do with Jindal’s frugality.
But let’s give credit where credit is due. After the
Katrina funds adjustment, the Cato Institute did give Jindal credit for an
actual 7% reduction in state spending. And he is the only GOP governor
competing for a presidential nod that did this. Of course these results
mainly came about through draconian cuts to health care and education funding
while at the same time increasing the costs for outside legal and consultants’
contracts. This behavior was coupled with inaction with regard to
reducing tax breaks for favored businesses and special interest entities.
Jindal deserves an ‘F’ for his failure to reduce any of these costs.
Sadly, part of being a good politician is the ability
to self-promote by distorting the facts and Bobby Jindal ranks right up there
with the best of them; and he needs to, because he is running almost dead