Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Covert agenda: Divert attention, hide the mess

History is too important to be denied.
You’ve got to give it to the mayor of New Orleans and the City Council; they know how to work the crowd.

Mitch Landrieu governs a city with dilapidated infrastructures that rival those of some third world countries, and has the distinction of having the 4th highest murder rate in the U.S. for 2014.  His city is on course to break that record for this year.  What a pickle for a mayor.  To deflect the heat, in 2014, Landrieu and the City Council got the citizens of their fine city focused upon the dangers of second hand cigarette smoke on employees in casinos and bars, and began their health campaign to eliminate that evil.  The city council and Landrieu spent months debating this issue.
Finally, the issue was settled.  The ban was put into effect in early 2015 and the realities of the city; the crime rate, bad streets, the inadequate sewerage system, and the ever increasing homeless population took center stage once again. 

Landrieu and the Council needed another diversion fast, an even bigger one than the smoking ban.  Suddenly a horrendous racial-hate crime at a church occurred, giving Landrieu yet another opportunity for a reality-deflection. 

In response he proposed the removal of four prominent southern heritage monuments from the city that he claimed pays homage to a despicable time in our country’s history. 

Landrieu was successful, public outcry swelled and has progressed to an endorsement of his plan by the city’s Historic District Landmark Commission.

So far the proposal has served as quite a successful diversion tactic.  The crime rate and the other third world conditions in New Orleans have almost completely dropped off the radar; beneficial not only for Landrieu  but also for the New Orleans Convention and Business Bureau along with the state tourism bureau.

The reality is, in the past, there have been several southern racial-hate crimes involving confederate symbols in our country, some involving the same church as the latest one; yet no previous outcry in New Orleans to bury the statues.  Apparently their timing wasn’t quite right from Landrieu’s view point.

The really sad part about all this façade of political correctness is the fact that the mob mentality doesn’t even understand that the statue that received the most vocalization for its removal, Robert E. Lee, at Lee’s Circle, honors  a man who was quite an outstanding Southern general sympathetic to the abolishment of slavery.   Professor Milton Pressley enlightened my ignorance of this fact along with some other distinguished accomplishments of Lee.

In fact, Lee was opposed to slavery, and freed his inherited slaves.  After the war he stated, “I am rejoiced that slavery is abolished.”   He also served as president of the college later to become Washington and Lee University in Virginia.  He was nationally respected as evidenced by his appearances on two U.S. postage stamps and his selection for inclusion in the Hall of Fame for Great Americans.

Professor Pressley's most interesting fact included the notion that if this cleansing of all remnants of the confederacy is truly to be successful we’ll have to ditch the name ‘Tigers’ from LSU, for that was a nickname for many military troops from our state during the Civil War.

My suggestion for this newest Mitch Landrieu diversion tactic is to leave history alone and better educate the public by placing plaques on the monuments explaining why each is a part of it.  History is important, for those who do not remember the past will end up making the same mistakes in the future.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu needs to deal with his failed policies of the past and clean up the mess in New Orleans.

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