Monday, November 2, 2015

Don't Blow It a Second Time

When it comes to elections, I feel it’s more important to vote for the person rather than the party with which the candidate is associated.  Sadly that is not how the majority of voters feel because most vote for leaders strictly by party affiliation.  However, I find it amusing that one of Sen. David Vitter’s new campaign messages attempts to reinforce this voting behavior by stating, “(Angelle and Dardenne voters) realize we need solid conservative Louisiana leadership to get out of the ditch we’re in.”
Gee, how much more conservative can you get than Bobby Jindal.  He is considered an ultra-conservative and the Louisiana legislature is composed almost totally of his conservative minions.  What planet does Vitter reside on?  How does he expect “solid conservative leadership to get us out of this ditch we’re in” when, in fact, that is what put Louisiana into the ditch and kept it there for eight years.  It was not Democrats, liberals, socialists, libertarians or even President Barrack Obama.
 It was Vitter-type folks and the present Baton Rouge legislative body that created the mess.  And thanks to low voter turnout, the legislature remains almost totally intact with the same individuals for an additional four years.

Obviously, it’s time for many to reconsider their voting habits and vote based upon a candidate’s personal integrity and personal ideology rather than political party stereotypes.

So this time around let’s not be fooled by political hogwash ads and let’s vote smartly.  However, that assumes that you do, in fact, vote.  This is Louisiana voters’ last chance to “get out of the ditch we’re in.”  Don’t blow it!

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