Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Is the best we have?

After watching the latest Republican debate and the previous Democratic debate, I was depressed by one glaring fact.   Is this the best this great country has to offer?  We have Hillary Clinton the former Secretary of State, who lied about the circumstances surrounding the loss of lives in the Benghazi attack, and is presently under federal investigation for possibly jeopardizing national security.  Then there’s Bernie Sanders, a confessed socialist, which in any other times throughout our history would mean sudden death for any presidential aspirations.

On the Republican side we have Marco Rubio who didn’t even serve the people who elected him.  Of the lawmakers currently serving in the U.S. Senate, Marco Rubio is the least likely to show up for work.  He’s been in office for four years, and of 1,198 opportunities to vote, he has declined to do so 99 times. That’s an absentee rate of 8.2 percent—four times the Senate average of 2.01 percent.  That’s too much like Jindal for my liking and he has even been endorsed by our past governor.

Next is Ted Cruz the candidate that rebukes President Obama for issuing executive orders and circumventing Congress.   However, he promises to issue his own executive order undoing Obamacare.  Sadly, regarding Obamacare, he fails to tell us how he will handle the 1 million or more individuals with preexisting health conditions who will no longer be eligible for insurance coverage, or the recent college graduates who aren’t employed yet and can no longer remain on their parent’s health plan until age 26 once the plan is undone by Cruz’s executive order.  Why not let the voters decide Obamacare’s fate since Cruz professes to be a staunch constitutionalist? He also plans to issue executive orders requiring an investigation of Planned Parenthood and to end Common Core.

Then there’s Donald Trump the cyberbully who knows how to expertly use social media by tweeting and Facebooking.   His uses glib phrases and catchy buzz words to effectively tap into the hate and fears of the public at large.  His supporters love him because he says the things some are afraid to say; tells it like it is.  However, he hasn’t a substantive clue when it comes to foreign policy, trade relations, or domestic problem solving.  

Last there’s the Ohio governor John Kasich.  He probably would be just an okay president, but nothing really indicating dynamic leadership which our nation so desperately needs now.  However, he’s not conservative enough for the Republicans and too conservative for the Democrats.  And why would we want someone who advocates bringing us together as a nation when we are having so much fun tearing our nation apart by putting each other down?

And so we have it, the confederacy of dunces.  I recommend all political persuasions go to, a nonpartisan website, after every debate and discover just how much incorrect information and distortion of facts are being slung in this political mud fest.
Is this the best this nation has to offer?   If so, how sad it is for such a great world power.

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