Tuesday, September 13, 2016

LSU Tigers are students first, and athletes second

As the academic side of Louisiana’s premier university, L.S.U, slips further and further behind other universities nationally in providing a quality education, it’s heart-warming to know that L.S.U fans were last weekend willing to spend collectively over $12.5 million on air fares alone to the Wisconsin away game to root for their Tigers.   And this figure doesn’t include those who drove, or the cost of lodging, local transportation, or food.
Since 2008, L.S.U has cut nearly 350 positions; both in faculty and staff, and several of these faculty members have taken their research grant monies with them.
Additionally when Gov. Bobby Jindal took office in 2008, the state funded 58 percent of L.S.U’s overall budget. Today that number has decreased by nearly 33 percent, a loss of $145.7 million.

To make up for the loss in state funding, the University raised tuition and fees from 42 percent of the total budget in 2008 to 74 percent of the total budget this year.  Class sizes have increased along with a decrease in the diversity of classes offered.  There is a continual demise of the university’s infrastructure, totaling over $520 million in needed repairs at the Baton Rouge campus alone.

Alumni contributions which would help solve some of the present financial problems at L.S.U are the lowest of all the SEC schools.

Yet when it comes to L.S.U football there is no reluctance for fans to reach into their pockets to attend and tailgate at games.

Maybe sooner or later these loyal LSU fans will awaken to the reality of what is occurring financially at L.S.U.  As F. King Alexander, Chancellor of L.S.U, so aptly put it, “Football players at L.S.U are Student Athletes.”  So goes L.S.U so goes the L.S.U Tigers.

Just think what $12.5 million plus could have done to further academic programs at L.S.U.

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