Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Let the Game Begin

You’ve got to give it to President-elect Trump.  He has cleverly convinced the public that his conflicts of interest, his coziness with Putin and anti-Semite white supremacists, his self-admission of using Trump Foundation’s charitable funds for personal expenses, the systematic destruction of emails during legal proceedings involving some of his businesses, and his defrauding of students with the bogus Trump University to a court settlement amount of $25 million are non-issues in assuming the highest office in this nation. 

Recently, he has set his sights on bigger game, the press.  In the media’s quest to quell the uprising among the populous that most of the fourth estate were too hard on Trump during campaigning, they stupidly agreed to an off-the-record meeting with Trump at his castle, Trump Towers, in N.Y.  Trump cleverly used this event to correctly portray the press as groveling wimps and systematically berated them in the meeting. 

 I guess he figured he was successful in getting them to back off because now he is focused upon yet another challenge, the fact that he was not the favorite of the majority of Americans nation-wide.  Trump trails Hillary Clinton by over two million votes.  In actuality this figure is irrelevant because Electoral College votes are the final say.  However, Trump’s narcissism just can’t let it go.  He always has to be the winner.  Consequently, his latest social media endeavor is to convince the public that over three million voted illegally for Hillary Clinton, and that if you subtract those out, he wins the popular vote.

Apparently, not one of Trump’s manufactured three million illegal voters voted illegally for him.  Additionally,  there are no facts to substantiate his claim.

These recent behaviors only further serve to reinforce the notion, “It’s Trump’s way or the highway” which I’m sure that many applaud and considered instrumental in their voting choice.
However, fortunately, these dictator qualities will not flourish in our present system of government.  Ironically, many accused President Obama of such behavior by his implementation of executive orders to circumvent Congress. He was accused of ignoring our Constitutional process.  I predict that Trump will make Obama look like a neophyte in the number of executive orders he implements simply because he has the CEO mantra.

Naively many of our citizens assume that Trump will have an easy ride because Congress is majority red.  Not true, because Trump has no ideology, and he is certainly not a Republican.  He has already changed his pre-election positions on protecting Medicare from privatization,“draining the establishment swamp”, immigration, jailing Hillary, and the complete repeal of Obamacare. 

He, like every other establishment politician, including Hillary Clinton, told the voters what they wanted to hear.  He is the king of social media and reality TV, but running this nation as a world leader is far more complicated than that.

I’m going to give him a chance for it’s going to be an interesting four years.  Hopefully, the unfulfilled promises won’t disappoint his supporters too much.

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