Saturday, December 10, 2016

No 'draining of the swamp' yet

Those who thought that a new era would take place in Washington under our new soon-to-be Commander-in-Chief are surely starting to feel some trepidation.

Throughout Donald Trump’s campaign, he mocked his opponent’s reliance on large donors and championed the cause that he would not be owing allegiance to anyone because he was self-funding his campaign.

While the self-funding part was true for his primary campaign, that notion was thrown out once he ran for president.
With his recent choice for Labor Secretary, fast food entrepreneur Andrew Puzder, President-elect Donald Trump has now rewarded six big donors and fundraisers by selecting them to serve in his administration.  Together, with their families, Trump’s six choices gave $11.6 million to support his presidential run. 

One of his latest appointees, Linda McMahon, wife of World Wrestling Entertainment magnet Vince McMahon, gave $7.5 million to his campaign.  She was rewarded with the job of head of the Small Business Administration.  She and her husband were also the largest donors to Trump’s private foundation to the tune of $5 million.

Sorry to say this but apparently reward patronage is still alive and well in Washington for Mr. Trump continues the practice of filling  administrative positions based upon the size of one’s donation rather than qualifications. So far there is little evidence of “the draining of the swamp.”

If it looks like a politician, acts like a politician, and walks like a politician, we should all just accept the fact that after winning the election Donald Trump is now just a “good ole” establishment politician.  How disappointing!

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