Friday, April 28, 2017

When will Trump's supporters admit they were scammed?

In full discloser I have no love for Hillary Clinton or for President Trump.  I voted for neither.  However, Trump wooed many Americans with the fact that he was not a politician.  Americans embraced this idea because politicians talk big during their campaigns but don’t seem to follow through once they’re in office.  Let’s look at how our new non-politician President is doing in keeping his promises.

Campaign promise to build a Mexican border wall at no expense to U.S. taxpayers - Intends to build wall on U.S. taxpayers’ dime.

Campaign promise to undo Obamacare and cover everyone with health care - Failed to accomplish this, but his proposed plan would have provided no coverage for over 24 million citizens.

Campaign promise to wipe out U.S. debt - Proposed new tax plan would add trillions to national debt, which is now ok for Republicans in congress after complaining for years about increases in the deficit under Democratic presidents.

Campaign promise not to be gatekeeper of the world and not to intervene in Syria - Dropped 59 bombs on Syria, dropped the MOAB in Afghanistan and increased troop allotments there.

Campaigned on the evils of China as a currency manipulator that needed to be brought under control - Now China is ok and great alley, no sanctions yet.

Campaigned on being more frugal with tax payers’ monies than Obama when it came to the operational budget for the office of the president – Trump’s personal travel and security spending is on track to be eight times higher than Obama’s, which was ridiculously high.

Campaigned on promise to offer a new direction in fighting ISIS - Trump is instead pursuing Obama’s plan.

Campaigned on promise he was for the “forgotten men and women” of America -  Trump’s latest tax plan benefits the super-rich the most and is being funded by cuts to education, farm assistance, the CDC, research on preventing deadly diseases, recovery aid for natural disasters, and health care assistance for the disabled and the poor.

Campaigned on importance of being friends with Russia - Now no longer wants to be.

Campaigned against crony capitalism and pledge to” drain the swamp’- Trump has staffed his administration with millionaires, billionaires, and swamp creatures from Wall Street.

Campaigned on his ability as a “great deal maker” - Trump can’t even make deals within his own party.

Campaigned on his ability as a great manager - His first 100 days have been consumed with administration in-fighting and many administrative positions have yet to be filled.

Campaigned on promise to pull out of NAFTA - Not going to pull out.

Campaigned on the evils of the World Bank and how U.S. shouldn’t support it – Trump now states it is a worthwhile venture for the U.S.

Campaigned on promise to appoint new conservative Supreme Court justice – Trump did keep this promise.

Campaigned on the promise to stop paying monies to the United Nations unless other countries anted up – He is fulfilling this promise but not as he proposed.  In Trump’s 2018 Budget he proposes cutting the United Nations’ budget by 50%, but 36% would be directed to cuts in humanitarian aid programs, not the peace keeping programs that Trump advocated were a waste of money.

If one reviews some of Trump’s actual accomplishments many seem to be contradictions to “Make American Great Again,” but instead appear to simply serve as political appeasements to his largest campaign donors.  These include:

An executive order relaxing national educational academic standards.

An executive order relaxing the rules on clean waterways.

Issued a mandate to repeal an Obama administration rule that would hold many financial advisers to the fiduciary standard of care, meaning that they must provide advice that is in their clients' best financial interest. Currently most advisers are held to the suitability standard, meaning that they can recommend "suitable" products that may cost their clients more.

Issued a mandate relaxing air pollution standards on coal, methane gas, and carbon dioxide.

Signed the Congressional Review Act that gives coal companies greater freedom in dumping mining debris into fresh water streams.

Issued a mandate for EPA to relax pollution standards for automobiles.

Recently, when I pointed out these unfulfilled promises and inconsistencies to a friend and Trump supporter, he dismissed them with the statement, “What do expect from a politician, they never keep their word.”

My response to him was, “But Trump ran as a populists, vehemently denied he was a politician, and promised he would drain the swamp from the influence of the rich and Wall Street types in government.  That is why you and others voted for him.”  Sadly, the silence from my friend was deafening.  He had no come back.

Let’s stop the excuses and justifications for Trump’s actions. He may be crude, impulsive, narcissistic, flamboyant, sometimes clueless, and a have a keen understanding of how to play to our citizenry’s fears and biases, but he’s not the purported populist who is concerned with “the forgotten men and women” in our country. He’s just another politician and ultimately, Trump is failing because he has little knowledge of the world and no guiding star of moral principle.   Just admit it and stop complaining about those that disagree with his policies.

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