Thursday, September 21, 2017

Tough Guy Rhetoric Plays into Game Plan

While many continually applaud Donald Trump for telling it like it is, sometimes his lack of diplomacy borders on pure buffoonery.  His threat about “totally destroying North Korea” with its 25 million inhabitants is total buffoonery because it could not be carried out without the total destruction of our ally South Korea.

For those unfamiliar with the geographic layout of South Korea, its capital city, Seoul, is located near the North Korea border with a population of over 12 million inhabitants; almost fifty percent of South Korea’s population reside in the area closely surrounding it. 
North Korea has the capability of destroying Seoul within 20 minutes with its latest missile technology.

I seriously doubt Donald Trump is going to sacrifice over 12 million plus people of one of our sworn allies to fulfill his tough guy testosterone rhetoric; for that’s all it really is, “tough guy rhetoric.”   It cannot be realistically acted upon and North Korea knows this.

However, Trump’s latest shoot from the hip remark does have an upside for North Korea.  It will provide that country with just the very thing they needed, the sound bite of the century.  That UN speech footage will be used time and time again by Kim’s regime to justify the necessity of its inhabitants’ suffering to “resist the United States’ aggressive imperialism and hostile policy leading to the eventual goal of the total destruction their country.”

Since the Korean War ended in an armistice in 1953, the Kim regime has portrayed the United States as an aggressive nation pursuing a course to once again destroy North Korea. To keep control of, and unify the populace, the regime has kept alive the memories of the Korean War, when the U.S. destroyed 80 percent of all the buildings in the North and killed as many as 20 percent of its population.

North Korea’s streets and airwaves are filled with calls to resist the American imperialists, and from a young age children watch cartoons showing squirrels and hedgehogs (North Koreans) fighting off evil wolves (the United States).

The regime tells its people that the “threat” from the United States is the justification for the development of nuclear weapons, while denying them access to a good quality of life.  They believe it is worth the sacrifices to protect themselves from the total destruction of their country.

Before Trump’s speech one could legitimately reassure the North Korea inhabitants that this was just unfounded North Korea propaganda and they need not worry.

However, Trump’s careless buffoonery has removed all doubt that such a destructive reality is being considered by the most powerful nation in the free world.  This plays right into the Kim Jon-un’s regime game plan for it now legitimizes his claim that only way he can protect North Korea from “the United States’ imperialist goal” of complete annihilation is by the development of nuclear weapons for protection.

Sadly, just like Barack Obama, we have yet another president who draws lines in the sand which can’t realistically be enforced. Both Donald Trump and Kim Jon-un need to  lower the testosterone level and get a grip.

This is a serious situation, not some school yard bully’s game of who will blink first

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