With the continual media drama that has surrounded our TV
reality star President since the first day of his inauguration, there appears
to be little room for others in the White House to establish themselves as
important voices in shaping America. I am referring to the position
of First Lady. Over the years the presidents’ wives have always served as
strong advocates for change in our society.
However, our present First Lady, Melania Trump certainly
deserves all our sympathy as she struggles to establish her role as a social
advocate. It must be an extremely difficult task for her in light of the
extra baggage she has inherited by having Donald Trump as her husband.
She really can’t pursue advocacy for the empowerment of woman as Michelle Obama
did, for she is married to a repeated adulterer who continually objectifies
women. Being an immigrant she might have even pondered advocating for
this group in our society, but with all the stereotyping and demonizing of
immigrants by her husband’s tweets she must have thought better of it.
This week the media reported that our First Lady has finally
settled on an advocacy cause, the problem of cyber bullying of children. While this is certainly a much needed advocacy, it may
prove to be an extremely risky choice.
Everyone is well aware of President Trump’s illustrious
tweets and I have to shamefully admit I have laughed at a few of his belittling
tweets. However, in reality, these tweets by the leader of the most
powerful nation in the free world are a blatant form of cyber social bullying.
The extend of this bullying far exceeded even my wildest imagination when
it was reported last week that our president has maligned over 425 people,
places or things since beginning his run for the office of president and his
year in that capacity. He would have obviously made it into the
Guinness Book of Records if such inane, aberrant behavior was categorized by
that group.
So I guess First Lady Melania will have her work cut out for
her. She will have to advocate for the stoppage of childhood cyber
bullying, while at the same time accepting cyber bullying by her husband
To use a term recently thrown around by our Republican
members of Congress regarding the recent school gun violence in Florida, she has my “prayers and
deepest sympathy.”
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