Thursday, October 18, 2018

He Said, She Said

Without the desire of prolonging any more discussion of the deplorable actions that occurred by both political parties regarding the recent approval of the latest Supreme Court justice, Brett Kavanaugh,  I must take exception to one categorization of the entire debacle, namely, the defensive  rallying cry “that there were no collaborating witnesses.”  Why would you expect any?

What idiot would sexually assault somebody with witnesses present?  Unless you are participating in some sort of gang rape, I doubt that anyone would want numerous witnesses around to view your actions.  Now if by chance your best bud was present, I’m sure he would have your back because by his very presence he pretty much has the same predetermined mind set as the perpetrator.

One should also recall the time frame in which the allegations occurred.   Teenage women, and women in general, were ashamed and afraid to report sexual assaults for fear of the “she asked for it” or “she got what she deserved” syndrome.
You know what I mean.  If a young woman got drunk and ventured into a man’s bedroom she “got what she deserved.” The prevalent thought was, and among many today, still is, she is just a “bad girl” and the man gets a pass to do whatever he wants because in her inebriated state she should have known better.

In fact, it was totally inappropriate to be an inebriated underage female teen at all.  Big trouble if your parents found out.  Again, during those times, unless you were a fool, you kept those incidents quiet.  I’m sure you get the point.

So adopt whatever rationale suits you to legitimately accept our new Supreme Court justice, but please don’t hang it on the “there were no collaborating witnesses” paradigm.    Once again unless you’re a buffoon, they don’t exist.  It is simply a matter of “he said, she said.”  That’s all you are going to get.

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