Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Convenient memory lapses

It never ceases to amaze me how some American voters are completely lacking in long term memory.  But then again maybe it’s not a memory deficiency but simply a case of “reality denial.”

This condition is best emphasized by the recent government shutdown.  No matter whether you support or not support the building of a wall/barrier, one reality fact clearly stands out.  The recent government shutdown would have never occurred if the Republicans, who controlled both houses of Congress for two years, had voted to allocate monies for President Trump’s project  for “the security of our nation,” as they now profess.   This fact seems to be conveniently forgotten by most of the present day “build the wall” supporters.

As early as November, 2016, it was noted by Texas representative, Louie Gohmert , “that Congress should have no problem finding the money to pay for Trump’s wall between Mexico and the United States.”    He made the case that Capitol Hill had already appropriated money in the past for similar projects, only to have them sidelined by an uncooperative executive branch (Democratic President).

However, Mr. Gohmert’s dream never came to past, for even with a Congress totally controlled by Republicans for two years, they never saw fit to allocate the funds to accomplish it; even during a vote to continue funding the government during those years.  Now Republicans claim they are all for the wall/barrier because it is a matter of national security.

It would seem that perhaps they are all for it simply because the Democrats now claim they are against it.  Even the Democrats’ sudden total rejection of the wall/barrier appears at odds with some of their previous voting records.

I suspect that if one really thought about what was going on here, and based it upon the Republicans’ past actions when they had the majority votes in both houses of Congress, one could conclude that most of those illustrious representatives are quite happy that the Democrats are continuing their initial two year denial of funding for the wall/barrier construction.  Reality sometimes hurts doesn’t it?

So let the blame games continue, but also let’s all try to remember how we got into this mess in the first place.   It all could have been settled two years ago by the Republican-led Congress simply funding the project for their party’s President.

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