Saturday, April 6, 2019

Total Direspect for U.S.A.

I must admit the childishness of the man seated in the White House never ceases to amaze me.

While I’m no fan of Joe Biden, Trump’s latest video clip mocking him for his inappropriate physical contact with woman makes me wonder if Trump has lost all sense of human decency.  This mocking from a man who bragged about grabbing women’s genitals and has paid hush monies to squash his infidelities.

The really sad part is many think this clip is funny which might be understandable if this was a posting from some drunken bar room buffoon.  However, we are talking about someone holding  the office of the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful nation in the free world.  Hypocrisy aside, this aberrant behavior is a total world-wide disgrace for the United States.

But then again I must get a gripe and remember that President Trump is a deep-seeded, childish narcissist, who couldn’t care less about worldwide respect for the United States.  So just keep on laughing all you evangelical supporters.

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