Monday, October 14, 2019

Brown Water Facts

The Jaycees-Meet the Candidates forum last week highlighted the fact that the mayoral election in Ponchatoula  is really heating up.  Three of the new candidates have jumped on the issue of the dreaded ‘brown water’ as part of their campaign mantra.

The brown water in the Ponchatoula water system is caused by a chemical reaction between the pipes’ inner surfaces and the higher levels of the chlorine additive that were mandated by the state after brain eating ameba was discovered in three of its parish water systems.   Additionally, the brown water problem is not unique to the Ponchatoula system but also plagues other water systems throughout the state.

Contrary to the delusional beliefs of some Ponchatoula residents, which are being fueled by political misinformation, the brown water is not the result of outside contaminates entering the water system through breaks in the pipes.   It is a pressurized system and that is not possible.   New Orleans is a perfect example of that proof considering over 60% of its water does leak out through broken pipes and their water is still safe to drink.  Again, the Ponchatoula problem is caused by a chemical reaction within the pipes themselves not breaks or cracks.

Additionally, none of the mayoral candidates has a magic wand that will undo the actuality of the chemical reactions inside the pipes and permanently solve the problem.

The only sure permanent solution would be to replace all the water mains in the system; the cost of which is prohibitive and realistically not possible.  Some have also suggested the use of some sort of filtration system; the cost of which is excessive coupled with little guarantee that it will actually solve the issue.

In fact, most experts agree that the present action of periodically flushing the system is the most cost effective and realistic approach to the problem.

If the residents of Ponchatoula really want to get serious about improving their drainage and water system infrastructures maybe they should consider generating more funds for these projects by paying for the amount of water they actually use.  They should request the city council to authorize the installation of water meters at each small business location and homeowner’s residence.
However, that fantasy idea does not seem very likely.

It’s time for a reality check for Ponchatoula residents.   Any of the three aspiring mayoral candidates that claim that they can totally eliminate the sporadic incidents of brown water are purposely deceiving their supporters to get votes.   Just ask any chemistry teacher you know why total elimination cannot be guaranteed.

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