Monday, February 3, 2020

Let Majority Rule

The other day I was thinking about how during most of my life lots of decisions are made by majority vote.  I remember school class presidents, junior and senior prom kings/queens, school committee chairpersons, and sport team captains being elected by all the individuals associated with those entities.  Local school superintendents, school board members, city mayors,  city council members,  state governors, state officials, state representatives, federal legislators, and various state constitutional amendments are all voted on by the entire voting public.  I think you get my point.

Sadly, the majority approach doesn’t apply when we choose the highest office in our nation or when we have what I term “hot button” or major influential issues affecting our nation.  Just think of all the rhetoric, Facebook comments, and Tweets we could eliminate and instead have time spent time on actually accomplishing positive things in our daily lives.

If the ‘majority rule approach’ were adopted universally, we wouldn’t have Donald Trump as president, nor some presidents of the past.  And just think we could settle this impeachment issue once and for all.  The latest polls indicate that the majority of Americans favor impeachment of our esteemed leader in a survey conducted beginning Friday, one day after senators were sworn in for the trial, with 47 percent of voters in favor of Trump’s removal, and 45 percent opposed.

However, this is only a sample poll and we should settle the issue once and for all by letting everyone vote on it and instructing our legislators to simply abide by the majority’s wishes. 

Taking this approach a step further we could settle the gun control issues, pro-choice/pro-life issues, gay rights issues, transgender issues, etc.  The list goes on and on.

Obviously, if you haven’t caught on by now I am writing this with tongue in cheek, and have not completely lost my mind.   I am fully aware that my suggestion can’t be implemented.

But just consider how much wasted anguish, stress and emotional energy we could eliminate.  Think about it, what if maybe we could change some of the rules and implement some of it.

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