Saturday, June 20, 2020

Mask Time

I have noticed that our local media are now filled with pictures of selfish and uncaring individuals when it comes to protecting others from COVID-19 by wearing a mask;  particularly, pictured senior citizens, the most vulnerable group for contracting the disease.

While wearing a mask other than N95 has limited results in protecting you from contracting the virus from an infected, non-masked individual, its assistance in preventing an infected individual from transmitting COVID-19 to others is soundly supported by the CDC. 

If you don’t trust the CDC how about the Mayo Clinic?  The following statement appears on the Mayo Clinic’s website, “Asking everyone to wear cloth masks can help reduce the spread of the coronavirus by people who have COVID-19 but don't realize it.”

And therein is where the selfishness and uncaring come into play in our surrounding communities.  Unless all those individuals who choose not to wear a mask got tested and received negative results immediately before interacting with others, they have no idea of whether or not they are a carrier.  And I suspect they go blissfully about in their daily lives uncaring about possibly infecting others in their day to day activities. 

Those who selfishly wish to not wear a mask based upon whatever principle they choose to adhere to, or make up, should at least have the common decency to be more concerned about the others they interact with; particularly those in high risk categories.

It’s not just about you choosing to take a personal risk, but instead also about the others who don’t wish to take that risk.

And for those, who think this was “all a left wing hoax,” tell that to the husband and kids of the front line ER doctor who committed suicide over all the COVID-19 deaths and suffering she encountered, or those front line health care workers who tearfully provided first hand testimony on our news outlets of the horrific events they have and are still witnessing.

Such a minor inconvenience, wearing a mask to protect others.  So simple.

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