Tuesday, May 31, 2022

'Pro Life' Hypocrisy

 After the horrific slaughter of innocent children and adults in Texas last week,  the responses of most Republican congressional leaders in Washington, along with the NRA, centered around the ideology of getting more guns into the hands of ‘good people’ to help protect us from the ‘bad people’ with guns.  

Ironically, these are the same individuals that champion the cause of ‘Pro Life.’  They are fanatical about protecting the life of the unborn, but apparently couldn’t care less about life after birth for children and adults. The stark reality being, as Senator Ted Cruz of Texas was recently asked by a British journalist, “Why does this (mass shootings) only happen in your country? .... Why only in America? Why is this American exceptionalism so awful?”   Cruz responded with “You know, I’m sorry you think American exceptionalism is awful. You’ve got your political agenda. God love you,” and stormed off.

Sadly, Cruz’s reaction probably summed up what will occur regarding the possibility of implementing any meaningful minimalistic regulation of gun sales in this country; not one single thing.

As has happened so many times before, when something like the Texas’ slaughter occurs, the old phrase ‘Guns don’t kill people, people kill people’ will arise once again as the battle cry for prohibiting gun sale regulation. However, please note, the biggest selling point of a gun is that it can kill people.

The latest poll indicates that the majority of the people in the U.S. want tighter gun control legislation, but Republican legislators, like Cruz, who receives more money from gun lobbyist groups than any other member in the U.S. Senate, will have none of that. And, apparently our state Republican legislators will have none of that either, as they are set to pass less restrictions on gun ownership.

One of my biggest personal pet peeves is ‘hypocrisy,’ defined by the Webster Dictionary as, “the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.”

So please don’t tell me your ‘Pro Life’ if you, do in fact, oppose gun regulation in our country.  Protect the unborn, sacrifice all others?

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