Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Let's put the blame where it belongs

Even though LSU has a questionable past regarding the handling of sexual assault cases, the latest incident of a tragic rape and death of a co-ed in no way should be connected with the other cases involving LSU as is presently playing out in the media. The entire blame rests with the bar serving underage kids and the state of Louisiana for its lack of oversight.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that most bars located near the LSU campus are probably breaking the law by serving underage clientele for monetary gain. And this could be easily checked out by the state conducting sting operations involving underage informants in these bars.  But then again that would involve a genuine pro-active approach by the state of Louisiana instead of its present re-active approach after some tragedy occurs.  

Removal of this bar's liquor license obviously should have occurred BEFORE this student's death.  One has to wonder just how many other bars are doing the same thing. The bar owners and its management team are directly responsible for this woman's death along with the state by not doing its job and serving as a facilitator, not LSU.

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