Monday, March 27, 2023

Cal Thomas has lost all sense of reality

After reading Cal Thomas’ editorial opinion in the Monday, March 27th Advocate, it is obvious he has lost touch with reality.  In his column he advocates for Donald Trump to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race “for the good of the country.”  Donald Trump is not concerned about what’s “good for the country.”   It has always been what is good for him.  He schemed to overturn the legitimate election results, culminating in the January 6th debacle ‘to restore him to power.’  Today he advocates for his followers to “raise up” and “take our country back” soley because of his possible indictments, not because of his love for America.  Additionally, his business empire profited immensely at the expense of the tax payers during his presidential term.

Sadly, Cal Thomas also fails to understand Trump’s two major personality flaws, the abhorrence of being seen as a “loser” and revenge.  In Trump’s world a “loser” is the epitome of the lowest form of existence.  That’s why he has never conceded the 2020 election nor sent the usual congratulatory message to Biden on his win.  To do so would completely destroy Trump as a person.

Additionally, most everyone who has had an association with Donald Trump will agree he is obsessed with seeking revenge on those he perceived as being disloyal.  This was quite evident in his continual revolving door firing practices of his cabinet advisers during his presidency and his recent threats to “punish those Republicans” who endorse or assist other candidates.  Trump relishes the fact that if he is once again elected he can “rain down terror” on all those that maligned him.

So basically, Cal Thomas needs to get real because his wish for Trump to graciously bow out of the 2024 presidential race is never going to happen.


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