Tuesday, September 12, 2023

No Money for Bailouts for Catholic Church

New Orleans Archbishop Gregory Michael  Aymond’s revelation that local churches and schools will now have to help bail out the sexual abuse of children disgrace that occurred under his watch and that of his predecessors is just the beginning of the additional suffering that will now occur for the poor and elderly of New Orleans.

As the Archdiocese seeks to round up all the money it can to pay for the over 500 sexual abuse cases, it is only a matter of time before they raid the coffers of the Catholic Charities of New Orleans and shut it down to pay trial judgments for these atrocities.

And as is always the case, the poor and elderly of New Orleans will be the most impacted.  According to its website Catholic Charities of N.O. includes the following:  Children and Family Services, Health and Behavioral Services, Housing and Homelessness Services, Immigration and Refugee Services, Justice and Employment Services, Seniors Services, Disaster Response Services, Adoption Services, and Abuse and Violence Services.

So as the rich folks and business owners continue to make large donations to the Catholic Church of New Orleans which it intends to use to help pay for these court cases, it should now become these folks’ responsibility to ensure that their money will instead only be used to continue to fund the charitable services of the church and not steered to bailouts and the continued salaries of those higher ups responsible for these acts of barbarity.  Just remember, all these guilty New Orleans priests reported to supervisors and none of these have ever been charged, let alone convicted, of any complicity in the actions of their subordinates.

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