Thursday, December 21, 2023

Pay up or leave the city

As a former 40 year resident of the city, I wonder when the residents and businesses of New Orleans are going to put on their 'big boy' pants and start paying their fair share of the cost to live in the city they claim to love. Maybe if the city officials didn't 'rollback' property taxes and let them stay at the real value of property ownership in the city, they could adequately fund the sewerage and drainage system, police protection, the emergency response system, the school system, infrastructure repairs and maintenance, reliable garbage collection, and the drinking water purification system, just to name a few.

If New Orleans residents are truly desirous of a better quality of life for their children and themselves,they need to pony up and adequately fund the city.  Inflation is a reality, and the city finances need to reflect that.  Just as it costs more to shop for groceries, automobiles, and other necessities, so too does it cost more to provide city services. It's time for the New Orleans City Council to face reality and stop being an 'enabler.'

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