Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trump's Ten Commandments Hypocrisy

 Warning:  The following is a review questioning a prominent personality’s morality.

Let me begin with the statement that I have no love for either candidate presently running for the office of President, for both have deficiencies that make them unsuitable for the highest office of the most powerful nation in the free world. It is really a choice between which candidate will inflict the least harm on our nation for four years, sadly, a rather pathetic decision to have to make.

Politicians always amaze me about how stupid they think the general public is, and how they feel they can say anything because they will not be held accountable for those statements. However, recent statements by one such presidential candidate, to further solidify support from the Evangelical community, caught my attention because of its religious hypocrisy.

Last week, Donald Trump posted on his social media page that “I LOVE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, PRIVATE SCHOOLS, AND MANY OTHER PLACES, FOR THAT MATTER. READ IT — HOW CAN WE, AS A NATION, GO WRONG???,” in response to our governor’s signing into law that a copy of the Ten Commandments must be posted in every public school classroom.  Louisiana is the first state to make this a law, and it was hyped by our governor as part of an education reform package.

If memory serves me correctly, The Seventh Commandment states, “Thou shall not commit adultery,” Trump’s alleged affair during his marriage to Melania Trump was recently aired in court. Trump has repeatedly denied that he ever met the young woman, Ms. Daniels. However, documented photographic evidence proves otherwise. Additionally, Stormy Daniels’ detailed court testimony, bordering at times on lewd descriptions of her sexual encounter with Mr. Trump, pretty much confirms to most unbiased individuals that such an adulterous interaction took place.

The Eighth Commandment states, “Thou shall not steal,” which seems to be yet another commandment that has eluded Donald Trump, and is well documented.

In 1988, Donald Trump established a non-profit organization called The Donald J. Trump Foundation. Its purpose was to direct funds from his book, The Art of the Deal to nine different charities across the U.S. These included such big names as Meals on Wheels, The United Negro College Fund, The United Way, and The U.S. Holocaust Memorial, among others. In December, 2019, Donald Trump was ordered to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight for personal misuse (stealing?) of the funds. He was basically using (stealing from?) the charity money to pay his personal political bills.  This foundation was shut down by Trump after agreeing to 19 admissions, acknowledging the misuse of the funds.

In 2005, Trump established Trump University. Five years later, in 2010, a court case determined it was a sham resulting in monetary defrauding (stealing from?) thousands of attendees, which culminated in Trump paying over $25 million to settle the case and reimburse those duped. It was also shut down.

Donald Trump may love the Ten Commandments, but his adherence to them seems to have been a difficult journey so far, so maybe he ought to cool some of his political gamesmanship regarding that topic.

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