Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bobby As V.P., In Your Dreams !

The wait is over and Mitt has named his V.P. candidate and much, to only Louisianans’ surprise, Bobby Jindal wasn’t chosen.  The sad part is no one outside of Louisiana ever thought he would be.
In fact, most respected nationally syndicated media outlets repeatedly wrote articles about why he wouldn’t be chosen.  But true to form, Louisiana's media refused to acknowledge the facts and continued to perpetuate the in-state myth.  The truth of the matter being,  HE WAS ONLY CONSIDERED IN A FLEETING MOMENT, BUT NEVER IN A SERIOUS ONE!
However, the delusions about old “Bobby” seem to die hard in Louisiana.
A perfect example of this persistent delirious condition is a recent statement  by former Louisiana’s 4th District U.S. Representative Jim McCrey  when responding to a question about Jindal not being  chosen as V.P. after campaigning hard for Romney.  McCrey responded,   “Now Bobby’s political prospects will be judged solely by his resume of public service, especially his job as Governor of Louisiana.  He has a very bright future in public service if he continues to desire that path in his professional life.”
Let’s see that resume includes:  Cutting colleges' and universities' allocations over $420 million so far during his governorship, gutting financing to public education in grades K-12 by initiating a non-accountable school voucher system, repeated failures to obtain educational grants from  the Feds (losing over $80 million in PreK grants alone), the closing of hospitals, emergency room services, and operating rooms to offset $860 million dollars in cuts to health care for the more than 750,000 uninsured in LA while at the same time refusing additional Medicaid funds being offered to states by the Federal government beginning in 2014, the dismantling of the Office of Group Benefits self-administered PPO Health Insurance Plan for  state teacher retirees which was one of the most successfully run in the nation,  the plan to hire a third party management company for prescription drug allocations for Medicaid patients that will lead to the demise  of small independent pharmacies and the exclusion of certain previously paid for prescription drugs for the sick and elderly, the refusal of Federal funds that would have provided a high speed rail system between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, the squandering of $80 million dollars in broadband funds for northern Louisiana, the continuation of business tax credits which are contributing to tremendous deficits within the state budget, and the refusal to conduct a transparent executive branch of government.  The list goes on and on!

In fact, as of 2010, just two years into Bobby's first term as governor, it  was estimated that Governor Jindal had already refused or lost more than $600 million dollars in federal funds for the citizens of Louisiana, and that figure continues to rise even further during his continuing years of reign.

Obviously, I don't get it.  How can anyone from either political party talk about the 'good' Bobby Jindal has done for the people of our state?  In fact, I worry that if he keeps going he will jeopardize all of our present  state retirement systems by forcing the state into bankruptcy.
But,  McCrey and other Louisiana  political experts  are probably correct about one aspect of Bobby’s political future.  If Mitt Romney is elected  he certainly  will  give Bobby a cabinet position.  Most likely it will be a newly created one tailored solely to Jindal’s legacy, the  head of the National Department of Sanitation, whose main focus will be directed towards cleaning up the massive pile of fiscal garbage the Jindal administration has left in Louisiana.

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