Thursday, August 16, 2012

One Mo Time

Trust me, I don't want to turn this blog into a full time Jindal bashing.  I'm really trying to concentrate on other issues, but Jindal just keeps astounding me with his off the cuff remarks. So forgive me one more time; I promise I'll try to do better!

Perhaps, our governor needs to check himself into one of the mental health facilities before it closes.  The state is facing a $860 million dollar shortfall in health care funding for the uninsured, over the past four years has reduced financing to colleges and universities by more than 26% of their state funded budgets, has had to use one time monies to balance the state budget this fiscal year, and most legislators, even Jindal's political puppets, claim they don’t know how they will produce a balanced budget next year.

Yet Bobby, in introducing his new revenue leader, Tim Barfield,  stated the following:  “Our top priority next legislative session is to reform Louisiana’s tax system so that we can make our tax code fairer, flatter, and LOWER (my caps) for Louisiana families and business”

At first I thought our governor was completely delusional, lower taxes when the state is near bankruptcy?  But then I realized that all Governor Jindal does is pull out one of his ‘pat’ statements that he always makes without even listening to what he is saying and not even realizing that it isn’t even applicable to the present situation.

He wants everyone in the rest of the country to know he is the ‘no tax guy’ and will use every opportunity to foster his own imagine at the expense of everyone involved in the realities of the situation.

He’s like one of those doll’s my daughter had when she was a child.  You know, the one with the string out the back and you pulled it and the doll said about five or six different things over and over and over again.  

I cannot believe how selfish and self-centered Jindal is when it comes to shepherding the people of this state. 

He simply does not care about the suffering he has caused and will continue to cause for all he was elected to serve. 

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