Sunday, July 27, 2014

Jindal, like Louisiana, running last

Finally some positive news for Louisiana.  Wednesday, the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion released the results of their most recent McClatchy-Marist Poll regarding voters’ choice of candidates for the 2016 presidential contest.  Among Democrats sampled nationally, including Democratic leaning independents, the clear choice was Hilary Clinton with a total of 63%.  No big surprise there. 
But among Republicans, and Republican leaning independents, there was no clear winner. Chris Christie was first with 15%, followed by Paul Ryan with 13%, Marco Rubio with 12% and Jeb Bush with 10%.  Pretty tight race. 

The good news was, guess who was LAST with only 1%?  Our beloved governor, Bobby Jindal.

Even though Jindal continues to submit treatises to various ultra-conservative politico blogs nation-wide, served as the chairman of the Republican Governors’ Association, and is mostly absent from the Governor’s mansion crisscrossing our nation attempting to woo Republican conservatives, it is apparent that most Republicans, nationally, could care less about him when it comes to consideration for a Republican presidential candidate.

However, my elation was short lived, because I sadly remembered all the damage Jindal has done to the citizens of this state in his obsession to gain this presidential nod: the health care workers, the elderly, sick, mentally ill, and disabled, the state retirees, the Medicaid recipients, the special needs children, the public elementary, secondary and college students, the state college and university professors and instructors, and the public elementary and secondary teachers. Please forgive me if I omitted some.  

It also saddened me to come to grips with the reality that this latest poll may only serve to make Jindal try even harder in his delusional quest, and consequently wreak more havoc until his final day in office.

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