Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Legislators Choose Impotence

My father once told me that, “If you don’t use the authority you were given, you will eventually lose that authority.”   I never really understood what he meant, but maybe the Louisiana legislators’ historical behavior will unravel the mystery.

Over the course of our great state’s legislative history there have been many bills and state projects approved by a majority vote of our senate and house representatives.   In many cases these legislators were casting their votes in accordance with the wishes of the people they represented.

But, as was just recently the case with Governor Jindal, many governors influenced by large campaign donors or strong PACs line vetoed many of these previously approved items.  This year it was the Tea Party of Louisiana, the Koch Brothers, and the Louisiana Family Forum that Bobby obliged by veto hoping to better position himself for a presidential nomination.

In an attempt to prevent government by monarch rule, our state constitution included procedures whereby the true wishes of the people could eventually prevail.  If the governor uses he/her veto power, a special legislative session can be scheduled to  override the governor’s vetoes and restore the original intent of the people.  It requires only a simple majority vote of both legislative chambers to set this in motion.

 In Louisiana, since the enactment of our current state constitution, it has been over four decades since a special veto session was last held.

I guess our legislators just don’t want to miss a day of fishing, boating, or bathing in the sun.  After all, our state’s slogan is “Sportsman’s Paradise.”

So, for the many that continue to lament that Governor Bobby Jindal is one of the worst governors this state has ever elected, and cringe at the fact that he would even be in consideration for a presidential candidate, I suggest you look at the others in this state that share the blame for this situation.

if our legislators had the guts to stand up to the bully and override some of his damaging vetoes, not only would it benefit their constituents by improving their quality of life, but most likely would have the additional benefit of completely removing his chances for presidential consideration.

Never have our representatives used the authority they were given.  Please, remember that when they run for re-election.

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