Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How dumb does Jindal think we are?

If you’re a state employee or retiree and a member of one of the state’s Office of Group Benefits Insurance Plans, better prepare yourself for premium sticker shock accompanied by increased out of pocket expenses and reduced health care benefits.

A recent commentary by one of the newer Jindal appointed Group Benefit Policy and Planning Board members goes on and on about how the privatization by Jindal of the Group Benefits Office has led to a more efficient insurance system.   Interestingly, most of the praise and data that this appointee references about the Group Benefits Office, in terms of providing good benefits while successfully keeping premium increases below the national average, occurred during the years BEFORE Jindal’s privatization move.

For those not familiar with the Office of Group Benefits, basically prior to 2012, state-paid employees administered health insurance for state employees and retirees.  Their responsibilities included processing claims, running a state designed PPO plan and formulating contractual agreements with health care providers such as Humana, United Health, BlueCross/Blue Shield, etc.  to provide HMO service plans for participants.

Contrary to what we usually think about state employee run ventures, they did such a great job that Group Benefits was recognized as one the most successful and efficiently run health insurance entities in the country.  Their self-run PPO plan was also lauded for it success. They had amassed a health reserve fund of over a half billion dollars and kept health cost premiums contained while providing excellent benefits to its plan members. 

That all changed when Bobby and his crew took over, fired just about everyone working there, and farmed out the services to a private corporation in the name of cost savings.  Additionally, he made changes to the group benefits governing board.

Jindal and his experts in just two years have taken a successful operating insurance system and turned it into  an operating loss, with its health reserve fund now almost depleted.    The Louisiana Voice reports that, “Jindal’s plan for saving $20 million a year through the privatization of OGB has been less than a smashing success as the agency has hemorrhaged red ink to the tune of $16 million more per month than it receives in premiums.”

Now the PR from Group Benefits Jindal-appointed board members is that the plans previously offered by the Office of Group Benefits are ,”so rich that if they aren’t changed they will trigger a ‘Cadillac tax’ of $31 million in upcoming years.”

If all that sounds confusing basically it means that they’ve screwed up the good health insurance plans previously offered to state employees and retirees so badly that they’re going to have to bail out these plans on the backs of the members by raising deductibles, reducing services, and raising premiums.  And the great part is the Jindal administration doesn’t have to worry about being blamed for any of this because they are just going to tell everyone that it’s the result of Obamacare. 

However, it is important to realize that the real goal for the Jindal administration is to force ALL state employees and retirees out of the Group Benefits Health Insurance Plans altogether, for the state currently pays part of a retiree’s health insurance premium.   This partial premium payment is legislatively mandated and the chances of getting it repealed are miniscule.  And, since Bobby has cut education and medical services to the bone and still can’t produce a balanced state budget, he is running out of sources of money.  Therefore he has set his sights on reducing participants in Group Benefits Health Insurance Plans to fill the budgetary gaps by making the plans unattractive and unaffordable for the services and coverages offered.

Of course, the resultant outcome of Bobby’s latest plan will be more uninsured in Louisiana.

I just pray we can all stay healthy and survive until Jindal leaves office.

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