Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Louisiana students, the sacrificial lambs

As Bobby Jindal continues to spend taxpayers’ money on law suits attempting to prevent the implementation of the Common Core Standards and the tests used to measure mastery of them, he  repeatedly advocates that Louisiana should develop its own standards and assessments. He’s not alone in this advocacy, for State Rep. Brett Geymann, R-Lake Charles, who with 17 other legislators just lost in court in their attempt to stop Common Core implementation, also claims that abandoning them, “will give us a chance to develop our own standards equal or higher than what we have today.”

I can’t believe that the opponents of the standards still keep proposing this in-state development plan as an alternative to utilizing the Common Core Standards.

So for the last time Mr. Jindal, Mr. Geymann, and anyone else who believes Louisiana can do a better job by developing their own standards and assessments, WE DID THIS FOR 20 YEARS!  It was known as the Louisiana Education Assessment Program (LEAP) and it has resulted in our kids still being ranked 48th or 50th in reading and math skills on the most recent national survey.

Additionally, the just released ACT scores, a national test of college readiness measuring English, math, science and reading skills given to both private and public high school seniors and juniors, show that the state’s average score has dropped yet again, and that only North Carolina, Hawaii and Mississippi have lower scores.

Where is there one shred of evidence to support this in-state approach?  Louisiana has robbed generations of children of a good education; one that would allow them to be competitive no matter where they chose to live in our nation.  And that should be the ultimate standard of a truly good educational system; the standard which the Common Core Standards seek to address.

You’d think a Rhodes Scholar, who received one of the finest educations possible (Brown University and Oxford University), would want that for the children he serves.  Jindal certainly wants that for his own children by enrolling them in some of the finest schools in our state.  And yet, he couldn't care less about your own children, and he is willing to sacrifice them for a possible slim chance of a presidential bid. 

The sad part about all this mess is, in reality, Jindal couldn't care less about Common Core, for he has no core belief systems of his own regarding most issues.  Instead he simply adopts whatever the ultra-conservative power brokers consider media attention issues at the present time.  Five months ago, it was all about rejecting Medicaid expansion funding under Obamacare.  Now it’s the Core Standards.

How blessed we are to have such a wonderful governor.

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