Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Kristy Nichols’ new job as state clairvoyant

Kristy Nichols was hired by Bobby Jindal as Commissioner of Administration.  She is Bobby’s lead puppet, Pinocchio, and with all the justifications she has issued over the years for Bobby’s failed plans, it’s amazing that her nose has remained remarkably small.

However, apparently we folks in Louisiana got a bonus when Jindal hired her.  She is now also a clairvoyant right up there in the company of Dionne Warwick.  She can predict the future health of individuals.  In her latest attempt to cover up Jindal’s failed initiative in privatizing the Office of Group Benefits leading to the bankruptcy of the state employees’ and retirees’ health insurance plans, she claims that many Group Benefits’ members have policies that cover “more than they need” and that, “thousands of people can save money.”

I wonder if she predicted that recent fall off her bike when she needed medical services?

Please don’t forget that the Office of Group Benefits was running a completely successful insurance entity BEFORE Bobby and his experts decided to “fix” it.  The plans offered had relatively low premiums while providing excellent benefits.   Benefits dubbed “Cadillac Plans” by Nichols.

Each year the Group Benefits Office received excellent reviews by the state legislative auditors and national experts.  However, that all changed when Bobby and his experts took over the reins.  They have in effect bankrupted all the medical plans presently offered by the Group Benefits Office.

They did this by rolling back the insurance premiums for the last two years in order to balance the state budget, resulting in not enough money to cover the health claims.  The state pays up to 75% of a member’s insurance premium. When Jindal lowered the premiums, the state’s costs were reduced and he could balance the budget.  If Jindal had not reduced the premiums and not outsourced the OGB to a private company, NONE of this mess would have occurred.  The insurance plans would have continued to run successfully. 

But now the employees are going to have to enlist the services of a fortune teller regarding their health care.

If you think you won’t get sick, or have a medical emergency, the state will let you select a low premium plan with an extremely high out-of-pocket cost.  If you desire a better coverage plan, similar to that presently offered, it is going to cost you big time, with higher premiums,  up to 47% higher out-of- pocket costs, higher copayments, AND a deductible.   The sad part is, those most in need of this good coverage are the elderly retirees on a fix income.  These are the least likely to be able to afford it, and thus forced to pick the cheaper plan based solely upon economics.
Of course Jindal is going to blame all these increased insurance costs, coupled with reduced benefits, on Obamacare, when in reality they are all the result of "Bobbycare."

But don’t worry!  If you need help deciding if you might get sick, hurt on the job, hurt around your house, or be involved in an auto accident, just drop clairvoyant Kristy Nichols a note and she’ll be able to tell if you’re one of the chosen few that don’t need good coverage so you don’t  pay for, ”more than you need.”  Good luck with that!

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