Friday, November 7, 2014

'Perfect storm' building on Louisiana horizon

Louisianans need to brace themselves for the possibility of yet another round of education and health services funding cuts due to what I term, “the perfect storm.” 
The first phase of this storm began with the sudden drop in the price of crude oil.  While we rejoice with each visit to the pump, we need to remember that lower oil prices also take a chunk out of the state budget, since production royalties, severance taxes, and state land leases are the big moneymakers for this state.
Don Briggs, president of the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association, states if the low oil prices begin to affect oil rigs along the Gulf of Mexico, "For every dollar that the price of oil drops, the state loses $12 million dollars in the general fund."
The second phase of this storm comes from the recent passage of amendments 1 and 2 by the voters of this state protecting private nursing homes and hospitals from budget cuts at the expense of colleges and universities, and in-home health services for the elderly, disabled, and those with special needs.
The first phase of this perfect storm could be somewhat nullified if we had not been saddled with a budgetary reckless governor.   In states with visionary wisdom such as Texas, rainy day funds were setup to offset any oil revenue fluctuations.  Monies are set aside over the years to be used in emergency situations.  Louisiana had such an account until Bobby came on board.
The rainy day fund, formally called the Budget Stabilization Fund, was tapped by Jindal’s minions in recent years to help close state budget gaps.  Bobby has spent over $300 million with legislators’ approval.
Consequently, the state can’t afford this perfect storm, for if the price of crude oil continues to remain low, legislators will have to go back and cut the only entities not protected by constitutional amendment.  Since passage of amendments 1 and 2 just removed two more entities from possible funding reductions, those that remain, education and medical services, will receive even more draconian cuts.
Just remember voters, you reap what you sow!

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