Friday, November 7, 2014

Does Bobby Jindal really want to make things right?

Here we go again. Bobby got caught with his pants down, so to speak, and has decided that because he overstepped his authority and didn’t follow state law, traits he attributes to our President, he had better refund some money to Office of Group Benefits hospitalization plan enrollees.

It is estimated to cost the state about $4.48 million.  But don’t get too excited just yet.  You may have to file an appeals request form to get your share.  If you are computer savvy and continually check the OGB website you will notice a letter explaining your eligibility and how, in some situations, appeal request forms must be completed to receive your money. This applies to both incurred pharmacy and medical costs.

The absurdness of this procedure once again demonstrates Jindal’s intellectual  arrogance and his administrative staffs’ out of touch with reality in dealing with the citizens of this state.

Who in their right mind regularly checks the OGB website and some may not even subscribe to the daily newspapers that ran the article explaining this procedure.  Some retirees may not be computer literate or even own a computer.

Let’s hope all those eligible kept their doctors’ and pharmacy receipts from three months ago.  Additionally, I find it curious that these documents are titled ‘appeal forms’ rather than ‘refund requests.’  Appeals can be denied!  Maybe Bobby just really doesn’t want these folks to get their money back after all.

Jindal’s slickness never ceases to amaze me.

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