Thursday, March 5, 2015

Pride goeth before a fall

Our Washington legislators just don’t get it.  To all those voters who exercised their right to vote in the most recent election, I offer my condolences, for you have been deceived.  Apparently there will be no meaningful governance yet again in both legislative houses in Washington.

I hate to agree with Bobby Jindal, but he got it right when he recently stated it was time for the Republicans to move beyond the anti-Obama agenda and show the nation that they have meaningful, constructive, alternative legislation to move this country forward.  The elections are over, and the winning campaign theme that, if elected, candidates would undo all of Obama’s policies, is old hat.  It’s time for innovative replacement legislation, but instead the new power in Congress is preoccupied with symbolic legislative maneuvers to repeal Obamacare, reignite the push for the Keystone pipeline, and undo Obama’s immigration executive orders.  All are subject to override by a presidential veto, and both houses of Congress are aware of this fact.  Nero continues to fiddle while Rome continues to burn.

Consequently, I fear there will be little new, positive legislation because of a fatal character flaw which exists within most Republicans and Democrats in Washington, as highlighted  so well in a recent media editorial appearing Ash Wednesday stating,  “Vanity complicates our politics. Constructive compromise requires humility, and where it’s absent, governance degrades into a hundred fiefdoms of personal conceit.”  

That pretty much summarizes the current situation in Washington, where pride will continue to trump the common good.

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