Friday, April 15, 2016

Jindal lapdogs morph into LABI lackeys

The mission of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (LABI) is “to foster a climate for economic growth by championing the principles of the free enterprise system and representing the general interests of the business community through active involvement in the political, legislative, judicial and regulatory processes. “   The president of this association, Mr. Stephen Waguespack, often pens editorials extolling his organization’s desire to assist our state leaders in creating a successful, fiscally responsible, stable, budgetary funding system that will benefit the residents of our state.

However, while Louisiana residents might think that the governor of this state and our Republican representatives are in charge, nothing could be further from the actual truth.  It was in fact the non-profit, tax exempt, LABI calling the shots throughout the recently held special session.  They did more than just “assist” the legislators.  LABI manipulated the agenda and “dictatorially” ran the session.

Do you dislike the increased sales tax passed by our esteemed legislators and signed into law by our governor?  Well you can thank the LABI for that because not only did they help push that plan as long as businesses were protected from  having to pay the full increase, but also wanted to raise the rate an additional penny beyond the one penny already requested by Edwards when he proposed  eliminating a few business tax exemptions.

Sadly, many of our legislators actually considered this LABI proposal, but fortunately, didn’t have the support of the House Democrats.  Apparently, now many of our legislators have “morphed from lapdogs of Bobby Jindal to LABI's lackeys.”  As one lobbyist put it "You're underestimating the influence LABI has exerted during this (special) session.   Nothing happens, especially in the House, without their blessing."  A political insider, with zero ties to the governor's agenda also added, "If the special session is a train, then LABI is the engineer. They're running the show, no question."
To be fair, regarding the special session’s tax changes, there is a symbolic financial hit or two being temporarily absorbed by business.

However, for the most part the LABI was quite successful in protecting its members by pressuring our legislators to have the residents of this state, through an increased sales tax, pay the largest portion of cleaning up the financial mess they helped create.

The next time Stephen Waguespack talks about the “shared sacrifices we must all make” to turn our state around, just consider the source.   There will be no “sharing of sacrifices" as is evidenced by the residents who are now paying the increased sales tax, and the entity now in charge in Baton Rouge, namely, the LABI.

In reality the LABI is just doing what a lobbyist group is supposed to do, protecting its members’ interests, but Mr. Waguespack needs to stop insulting the intelligence of the Louisiana residents by proclaiming that the LABI is some kind of benevolent association that serves the best interests of the residents of this state.

Additionally, the legislators need to remember who they were elected to serve.  Forgive me for my momentary lapse into idealism rather than acknowledging the stark political reality.

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