Thursday, January 26, 2017

President Trump Does Not Represent the Common Man

Inauguration day is over and we have a new President.  However, something very strange emerged from the post event interviews of Trump supporters and political pundits.  Most praised it as some kind of apocalyptic event, claiming it was so because, “We finally have a President who represents the common man.”   This term is defined by Wiktionary as, “The average citizen, as contrasted with the social, political or cultural elite.” 

Where could those claiming Trump as representing the “common man” find any evidence in Donald Trump’s life history to support that he is even remotely connected to the “common man?”
Trump amassed his initial wealth from his father.  He didn’t earn it by the hard work ethics of the “common man.”
During his entire business career he has been surrounded by and interacted with millionaires and billionaires in this country and world–wide.

However, there were instances when he was forced to interact with the “common man” by the very nature of being involved with the real estate industry.  He bought up their properties and forced foreclosures to get property to expand his business ventures.  This is not a condemnation of him but simply a description of the realities involved with such a business.  Additionally, he often stiffed the contractors and subcontractors involved with these ventures.

He ran a bogus university which cost him $25 million in litigation.  He ran a phony charity, The Trump Foundation, to help the “common man” which he subsequently admitted on IRS documents provided monies for his personal expenses.  The Trump Foundation was also cited for falsely claiming to donate monies to different veteran organizations.  The veteran charities listed by the Foundation claimed they never received any of the funds.  The Trump Foundation has subsequently been dissolved.
None of these facts necessarily make Donald Trump a bad person, but some of his opportunities for interactions with the “common man” haven’t been totally honorable.   Additionally, if one objectively evaluates his lifestyle, it accurately represents that of an elitist rather than someone who has participated in the “common man’s” world.  Even in his selection of cabinet members and advisors Trump will still be dealing almost entirely with millionaires.

Trump simply cannot envision what it’s like to be a member of the common man group with regard to income. Why should we expect this of him given his lifestyle?  Supporters need to stop thinking he can.

This country does need to move in a different direction, but let’s stop attributing characteristics of what we want our new President to be rather than the reality of what he is. Those who think Donald Trump represents the “common man” need to get a grip on reality.   President Trump may have played into some of the same thoughts, desires and fears of the “common man,” but he certainly has no internalization or clue as to what it is like to be one.

Please stop deceiving yourselves.  President Trump doesn’t represent the “common man.”

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