Friday, February 3, 2017

Hipocracy at its finest

During the tenure of former president Barrack Obama he invoked executive orders 277 times.   He was lambasted by the Republicans in Congress, including Louisiana representatives Steve Scalise and Bill Cassidy, for thwarting the Constitution by ignoring the balance of power and acting without Congressional approval. Conservative talk show hosts fill the airways with ‘alternative facts’ that President Obama invoked executive orders more frequently than any other recent president, when in fact, President Obama’s use of them was the second lowest in recent years

In the first four days of President Donald Trump’s term he has issued 12 executive orders.  At his current rate he will most likely surpass the king of executive orders during the last 36 years, Ronal Reagan, who clocked in at 381.

President Trump comes from a business environment where if the CEO of a corporation makes a decision it is immediately implemented without debate or discussion.  There is no such thing as the balance of power concept in his world. It closely resembles the political governing style of a dictatorship.

It will be interesting these next four years to see how long it takes the present U.S. Congress to hold President Trump to the same standards as it did the previous administration.  However, from the praise that Rep Steve Scalise opined concerning Trump’s executive order limiting federal dollars to national and international organizations that provide abortion services, it’s apparent that the wide-spread use of executive orders is only negative when it runs counter to the political agenda of the party in power.

Apparently, as indicated by the total silence of the present majority party, the issuing of executive orders was never about violating the Constitution, it was simply the political party issuing the executive orders.

It will be interesting to see when Reps. Scalise and Cassidy will rein in our new president and demand that he operate within the Constitution as they so vigorously argued for in the past.

Isn’t the hypocrisy of politics amazing?

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