Friday, July 19, 2019

When the going gets tough, create a diversion!

If there’s one thing I’ve come to understand about President Trump, it’s his penchant and skill for creating diversions when things get hot about his personal involvement in sticky situations.

Trump in his usual egotistical style has masterfully used his manipulative ways to stage-manage an outlandish drama surrounding four women House Democrats nicknamed “The Squad.”

Some have surmised that he created this drama to energize his base for the upcoming 2020 election.  While others have postulated that Trump is simply trying to make “The Squad” the sole face of the Democratic Party.  A vote for a Democrat would be a vote for “The Squad” and all it represents.

However, in reality I suspect Donald Trump doesn’t care squat about these four Democratic women representatives, but instead is simply employing his usual ‘modus operandi’ to create a distraction to hide his involvement with Jeffery Epstein, world-wide financier, sex offender, and alleged sex trafficker of teenage girls.

One fact that is crystal clear is that Trump wants to distance himself from this predator.  He has denied ever having any recent contact with Epstein, and that any contact in the past was just minimal.  However, numerous pictures of the two engaged in direct social interactions over the years are evidence that both denials are outright lies.  There are even alleged instances reported by the media of Trump and Epstein being the only two males at parties attended by a plethora of young women; some extremely youthful.

 Just what is it President Trump doesn’t want us to find out?  Others in the media have also posed similar suspicion.

Perhaps Trump is up to his eyeballs in this Epstein mess.
Guess we will never know about the extent of his involvement because, to Trump’s credit, the Democrats along with the media took the bait.   The Epstein debacle has fallen off the media radar replaced by “The Squad” drama.

The puppeteer of the media rules once again.  President Trump really should be nominated for an Academy Award for the category of “Best Diversion Drama.”  He would clearly win hands down.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Not deserving of any respect

Fat pig, slob, dog, horse face, bimbo, slippery slob, total loser, dumb like a dog, dopey, sleepy eyes,  broken down, very weak, low life, wacko, flakey, very stupid, and fool are quite often the names kids use to bully others in school and on the internet.

However, these terms have risen to new fame through the Tweeting and speech patterns of our Commander-in- Chief. He has included every one of these terms in many of his Tweets and speeches when responding about someone who has disagreed with him or criticized him, or his behavior. 

Unfortunately for our country these childish Trump Tweets go world-wide and originate from the leader of the most powerful country in the free world; one that is becoming more and more difficult to respect by other world leaders.  This was most recently evident in the leaked internal emails of a U.K. ambassador to the United States, who accused Trump of being "dysfunctional."

What is even more alarming is that when people see a leader acting in this manner they feel vindicated in mimicking the behavior.  It's easy to see, look at how many people repeat what Trump says, his slogans, his put-downs. They mimic him like lemmings and they feel good about making other people feel inferior because our president does it and gets away with it. 

However, the sadist part about the presidency of President Trump is the comments he has made and continues to make about women, and their continued support for him.

Let’s look at how he defines women by recalling some of the things he has stated about some well know women:  On Halle Berry, “I love her upper body;” On Carly Fiorina, “Look at that face. Would anybody vote for that?  Can you imagine that, the face of our next president;” On Jessica Chastain, “she’s certainly not hot;” On Cher, “Cher is somewhat a loser;” On Hilary Clinton, “If Hilary can’t satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America;” On Rep. Maxine Waters, “An extremely low IQ person;” On Steffi Graf, “You never get to the face because the body is so good;” On Arianna Huffington, “Unattractive both inside and out.  I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man-he made a good decision;” On Omarosa Manigault-Newman, “A crazed, crying lowlife and a dog;” on Kim Kardashian, “Does she have a good body? No.  Does she have a fat a..? Absolutely;” On Megyn Kelly, “Bimbo;” On Rosie O’Donnell, “If I were running The View, I’d fire Rosie O’Donnell.  I mean, I look at her right in that fat, ugly face of hers and I’d say, Rosie you’re fired;” On Lindsey Lohan, She’s probably deeply troubled, and therefore great in bed.  How come the deeply trouble women-deeply, deeply troubled-they’re the best in bed?” On Bette Midler, “Talks about my hair but I’m not allowed to talk about her ugly face or body;” On Ivanka Trump his daughter, “She does have a very nice figure…if she weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her;“ On women Trump has relationships with, “You know it doesn’t really matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young beautiful piece of a..;” and on the #METoo Movement, “You’ve got to deny, deny, deny and push back on these women.  If you admit to anything and any culpability, then you’re dead.”  Believe me the list goes on and on.

If as a woman  you find all these remarks misogynistic, offensive, disgusting and completely disrespectful, I apologize for writing them, but sometimes the truth is what it is, and this is who many women continue to support.  Sadly, some men and women may not find any of these remarks bothersome. 

However, for both men and women supporters that’s okay because Roe vs Wade might get overturned and the economy is booming.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Hopefully a lesson learned

Well, justice has prevailed and a judge has ordered the Superintendent of the Tangipahoa School District to reinstate one of the Ponchatoula Junior High teachers who was fired from his job for trying to prevent permanent harm from occurring between two students engaged in a physical altercation.

Instead of basing her judgement on the facts of the situation, the superintendent chose to make her decision guided by what would be the most palpable to a sector of our community, and consequently ended up wasting tax payers’ money, and causing damage to the reputation of two of our teachers.
Hopefully this opens the door for reinstatement of the other teacher as well.  That is, if the other individual even wants his job back, after being treated with such disrespect.

What was truly amazing was how the Tangipahoa School Board members disavowed any responsibility for this superintendent’s irrational decision by hiding behind ACT 1 that our Legislature passed during the Jindal era.  This Act gives Louisiana school superintendents full authority for the hiring and firings of all certified employees without Board approval.  The Board disavowed any responsibility in this matter.

While basically true regarding their responsibility in these firings, ACT 1 doesn’t forbid the school board members from jointly sending a formal letter to their employee, the superintendent, to voice their discontent with such a decision.  The superintendent works for them, they hired the individual, and I would hope that they realize that they can formally reprimand this individual if they so desire.

Since I am not aware of any such correspondence, I can only assume that they were on board with this entire fiasco and do bear responsibility by their complacency.   Perhaps off the record disapproval phone calls were placed, but that is not the same as a written, formal complaint.

Sadly, for both teachers their journey is not over because the parents of these students have not realistically conceptualized what could have happened to their children if these teachers had not intervened.  Instead they have listened to the advice of an attorney.   Perhaps they should have a conversation with the parents of a fifth grade student in a South Carolina school who in March was involved in a physical altercation at school and ended up dying from internal injuries.

These teachers should have been commended for de-escalating actions that could have resulted in harm to one or both students.  Instead they were treated like criminals thanks to those in charge of the Tangipahoa School System.

Hopefully everyone has learned something from this situation.  Namely, that interracial interaction can occur without race tainted bias when de-escalation of a dangerous situation takes place.

Not worth the effort

The other day one of the followers of my opinion columns that periodically appear in The Daily Star asked me why I was so continually upset with President Trump’s childlike, buffoonery behavior.   He suggested that I could be a great deal more stress free regarding Trump if I followed the advice that was espoused  in a letter that appeared in another media outlet written by Dominic Marcello, a scientist from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  He wrote, “Criticizing the current occupant of the White House for behaving in an undignified manner is as useful as criticizing toddlers for wetting their pants. Yet, much of the cable news media spend a great deal of time doing exactly that. In times like these, it is a shameful waste of power and resources.” 

This appears to be some good advice for all who continually long for some professional, enlightened dignity to emerge from the White House, for the hand writing is on the wall for a continuation for 4 additional years. I, for one, intend to follow this advice to increase my chances of longevity.